2023-07-09 Ashen Forge - Episode 100: Hello Steven Sharif
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The Ashen Forge: Episode 100: Hello Steven Sharif, July 9, 2023. Read the transcript.
Referenced by
- Account transfers
- Adaptive content
- Addons
- Alpha-0
- Alpha-1
- Alpha-1 NDA
- Alpha-2
- Alpha-2 goals
- Alpha-2 phase-1
- Alpha-2 phase-2
- Alpha-2 phase-3
- Alpha-2 roadmap
- Alts
- Animal byproducts
- Animal husbandry
- Animal husbandry mounts
- Apartment benefits
- Apartment buildings
- Apartments
- Architecture
- Armor
- Armor characteristics
- Armor types
- Artificial intelligence
- Artisan buildings
- Artisan certification quests
- Artisan classes
- Artisan mastery
- Artisan progression
- Artisan skill tree
- Ashes of Creation
- Augments
- Banking
- Bard
- Bard timeline
- Baronies
- Basic attacks
- Beastmaster
- Best-in-slot items
- Betas
- Bladecaller
- Blood magic
- Bosses
- Bound currencies
- Bound items
- Bounty hunter maps
- Bounty hunters
- Bow skill tree
- Breeding mechanics
- Brood Warden
- Buildings
- Bundles
- Business buildings
- Buy orders
- Buying and selling
- Changing citizenship
- Character
- Character creator
- Character page
- Cities
- Citizenship
- Citizenship benefits
- Class augments
- Class weapons and armor
- Classes
- Cleric
- Coastal nodes
- Combat
- Combat pets
- Companion app
- Conjurer
- Constructible service buildings
- Construction foreman
- Corrupted Essence
- Corrupted areas
- Corrupted resources
- Corruption
- Cosmetics
- Crafted items
- Crafting
- Crafting materials
- Crafting professions
- Crops
- Currency
- Data mining
- Death penalties
- Default service buildings
- Design pillars
- Destructible environments
- Divine node governments
- Divine nodes
- Dungeon bosses
- Dungeon difficulty
- Dungeons
- Economy
- Encampment
- Enchanter
- Enchanting
- Enchantments
- Encounters
- End game
- Expansions
- Expedition
- Experience
- Experience debt
- Falconer
- Families
- Farmhands
- Farming
- Farms
- Fighter
- Fighter timeline
- First-time user experience
- Flailrunner
- Foliage
- Freehold auctions
- Freehold benefits
- Freehold building blueprints
- Freehold building permits
- Freehold building placement
- Freehold building skins
- Freehold building tech trees
- Freehold buildings
- Freehold farms
- Freehold placement
- Freehold professions
- Freehold progression
- Freehold security
- Freeholds
- Fuels
- Full loot
- Game balance
- Game difficulty
- Game masters
- Gameplay
- Gathering
- Gathering professions
- Gear
- Gear binding
- Gear enhancements
- Gear progression
- Gear sets
- Gems and sockets
- Gold
- Greatsword skill tree
- Grinding
- Guild benefits
- Guild formation
- Guild leaders
- Guild leadership tools
- Guild members
- Guilds
- Guns and gunpowder
- Harbors
- Heavy armor
- Herbs
- Hijacking ships
- Hippo
- Hired NPCs
- Horses
- House plants
- Household security
- Housing decorations
- Housing destructibility
- Housing foreclosures
- Housing taxes
- Housing types
- Hunting
- Hunting grounds
- Inns
- Instancing
- Inventory
- Item sinks
- Keeper
- Kickstarter
- Kings and Queens
- Lawless zones
- Leadership powers
- Level cap
- Level scaling
- Leveling
- Light armor
- Loot
- Lord's quest
- Lore
- Mage
- Mayors
- Medium armor
- Mentor program
- Mercenary NPCs
- Merchant ship capacity
- Merchant ships
- Meta
- Metropolis
- Milestones
- Military node governments
- Military nodes
- Mount abilities
- Mounts
- Multi-boxing
- NPC guards
- NPC races
- NPCs
- Naming ships
- Narrative
- Narrative events
- Naval
- Naval NPCs
- Naval PvP
- Naval combat
- Necromancer
- Node advancement
- Node atrophy
- Node building destruction
- Node destruction
- Node footprint
- Node layout and style
- Node leadership
- Node leadership powers
- Node progression
- Node siege completion
- Node siege declaration
- Node siege defenses
- Node sieges
- Node taxes
- Node treasury
- Node types
- Nodes
- Open-world PvP
- Open development
- Open world
- Open world battlegrounds
- POI events
- Pallas's Cat
- Pantheon
- Passive skills
- Pay to win
- Payment model
- Persistent alpha
- Pets
- Player businesses
- Player corruption
- Player death
- Player driven narrative
- Player flagging
- Player housing
- Player housing benefits
- Player to player trading
- Playstyles
- Points of interest
- Pre-order pack upgrades
- Pre-order packs ending FAQ
- Priests
- Primary skills
- Processing
- Processing professions
- Processing queue slots
- Processing stations
- Progression
- Publishers
- PvE
- PvP
- Quest givers
- Quest markers
- Quest rewards
- Quests
- Races
- Racial influences
- Raid bosses
- Raids
- Ranger
- Ranger timeline
- Real estate
- Release schedule
- Reliquary
- Removing corruption
- Respawn lore
- Roads
- Rogue
- Rogue timeline
- Roles
- Scholars
- Schools of augmentation
- Scribing
- Security systems
- Seeds
- Server rollbacks
- Server wipes
- Service building expansions
- Service building upkeep
- Service buildings
- Set bonuses
- Shadow Lord
- Shadowmancer
- Shaman
- Ship building
- Ship classes
- Ship components
- Ship destructibility
- Ship repair
- Ship weapons
- Ship workstations
- Ships
- Skill and stat dampening
- Skill points
- Skill trees
- Skill types
- Skill upgrades
- Skills
- Skins
- Skinwalker
- Songcaller
- Spellmancer
- Stables
- Static housing
- Static housing benefits
- Stats
- Status effects
- Storage
- Story arc chapters
- Story arc quests
- Story arc rewards
- Story arcs
- Subscription model
- Summon appearance
- Summoner
- Summoner augments
- Summoner classes
- Summoner timeline
- Summoning magic
- Summoning ships
- Summons
- Synergies
- Tank
- Tavern communications
- Tavern security
- Taverns
- Taxes
- Tempering
- Testing participation
- Testing phases
- The Ancients
- The Essence
- The return
- Towns
- Tulnar
- Tutorial systems
- Archive:Ultimate skill
- Underrealm
- Underwater
- Underwater nodes
- Unique node buildings
- Vassal nodes
- Verran oceans
- Villages
- Wand skill tree
- Warehouses
- Warlock
- Weapon combo system
- Weapon progression
- Weapon skills
- Weapon types
- Weapons
- Wild Blade
- Wilderness
- Workstations
- World bosses
- World map
- Zones and progression