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Recipes are a type of Consumable in Ashes of Creation.

These are the things we want to explore on [the] crafting side, where we introduce maybe new stat lines, or a different proportion or ratios of stats at certain tiers; and when you craft these items using better materials, the rarity of the item increases. For demonstration purposes we're using legendary, but basically when you use a higher tier than the recipe is intended for- so we could technically build this item with common copper and zinc fragments, then that would produce an uncommon item. But, since we're showcasing this at legendary tier, you can move up the tiers and have the stats increase.[12]Mike Han
  • Recipes that are obtained must be committed to a player's recipe book (by right-clicking on the recipe item). This "consumes" the recipe item and unlocks the ability to craft the item in question.[4][16]
    • Artisans must have the required artisan certification to learn recipes at that level (or lower).[17]
    • Recipes can be traded or sold prior to them being committed into a player's recipe book.[18][16]
    • In most cases learned recipes are permanently added to a character's recipe book, but in certain unique cases there will be a "charge count" where learned recipes will disappear from the recipe book after a number of uses.[4]
    • Once a recipe is learned, it cannot be shared with other characters, including alts.[19]
  • Recipes have differing rarities and may be locationally dependent.[20]
  • Recipes may have an XP component, where crafting that recipe multiple times can level up the recipe and unlock better results.[10][21]
Something unique in our crafting system [is] where we want to have recipe XP of some sort; and then those sub-recipes could [be] earned by leveling up your recipe, which means that you have to craft the Nightblade multiple times to level it up to have a better result. The sub-recipe could be from a vendor recipe or world drops like we said earlier, but the idea is one type of item can have potential to be multiple different outcomes.[21]Mike Han
  • While selectable materials offer a wide degree of customization, crafting results must lie broadly within the realms of the recipe's definition; and so cannot be arbitrarily customized.[22][20][23]
Q: Will players have the ability to innovate within the crafting system creating unique items or designs? If so, how much customization can players expect when it comes to crafting their own gear or items?
A: There are statically defined an array of results that can come out of a particular recipe; and your ability to unlock those results is predicated on what composition of resources you contribute to crafting that particular weapon type; and so in that sense, yes crafters will have the ability to uniquely create certain types of the recipes results, based on how they're contributing resources to it. The result has to have a corresponding recipe definition; and so in that sense it isn't completely customizable to the point where the player gets to uniquely create these particular items, but rather they are discovering what creations are possible with each recipe type.[22]Steven Sharif

Obtaining recipes

Crafting recipes in Ashes of Creation can be obtained in different ways.[4][20][24][25]

We're definitely going to have rare recipes. We're going to have a very active recipe market that how players find them and how they discover them is going to be very diverse. It's not just going to be drop oriented. It's going to be discovery, adventurism, treasures, repetition of a particular activity that might yield something, deconstruction that might learn how to create a recipe. There's a lot of different functionality that's present that's going to be utilized.[20]Steven Sharif
Some of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
  • Completing questlines.[24]
  • Becoming Mayor may unlock specific node-related recipes.[24]
  • Gaining a title.[24]
  • By constructing certain buildings on a freehold.[24]
  • A royalty system where players can license recipes to other players for a certain amount of time and collect royalties was discussed as a possibility.[25]

Crafting stations

Crafting a Nightblade weapon at a weaponsmithing station in the Winstead node in Alpha-2.[12]

There's going to be a number of different types of selectables that you can incorporate as part of the crafting process; each of them having unique results as part of the stat block for the weapon, but also increasing the quality, predicated on the quality of the selectable that you're contributing.[14]Steven Sharif

Crafting stations (also referred to as Crafting benches) are workstations located on freeholds or within nodes.[29][30][31][32][33]

  • There is no limit to the number of players that can use a crafting station at the same time.[40]
Q: Can crafting stations be mobilized / moved and can they be placed anywhere in the world?
A: It depends on the crafting station. There are going to be different tiers of crafting stations that represent the quality of item you're looking to create within that specific profession. There's going to be crafting stations that can be utilized by players within their freeholds and then crafting stations that are resigned only to the development of particular nodes, within particular areas, or particular buildings... There's a wide variety of those things to make it a more dynamic experience and something that caveat how players decide to build the world and what the value of those things are.[32]Steven Sharif
Some of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.

Crafting mechanics

First look at the work-in-progress Alpha-2 crafting UI by Colby Marchi.[44]

This one is showing the base needs that we were establishing to get this system in-game and usable as soon as possible. So right now, our crafting does work in game and it's all functional and we're building out the functionality as we go to expand; and based on what we test.[44]Colby Marchi

The developers will be seeking testing feedback on the addition of a gameplay layer to crafting that determines the outcome based on the player's performance.[45]

For example, if you're creating a sword, and you are crafting that sword, you will have an interface- a gameplay layer that you will see and you will begin to hammer actually that sword into an appropriate outline. And your performance there can help influence the outcome of that craft.[45]Steven Sharif
Without getting into too much detail I will say that it's likely that you will see some inspiration surface itself in that regard.[46]Steven Sharif
  • Previously it was stated that repetitive skill-based crafting mechanics, such as mini-games, are not an intended part of the crafting experience.[46][47]
We did discuss that type of a feature where the skill of the crafter would grant a greater window of skill-based type crafting. So the higher master level you have of crafting a certain item, the greater your potential to impact the quality of that item might be... The concern obviously that we have when going into developing this type of system is that we don't want what is a fun - for lack of a better term - mini-game to be something that becomes repetitive and makes it monotonous... If when we start to flesh out the crafting system and we take a look at that interaction of melding crafting, the actual activity of making something, there is room in the design sheet for different iterations of that particular action; and we may see something come about that can be skill oriented, but that's something that's going to require a lot of testing and different iterations from a design standpoint.[47]Steven Sharif
  • Players are able to specialize in focused crafting branches.[48]

List of Recipes

Item Icon Type Profession Rarity Level requirement
Recipe: Icon.Recipe: .png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Belt Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Bracers Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Cloak Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Gloves Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Helm Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Helm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: 2nd Sword Division Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Academus Monitor Back Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Back.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Chest Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Chest.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Cloak Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Feet Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Feet.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Forearms Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Hands Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Hands.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Head Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Head.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Legs Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Legs.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Academus Monitor Waist Icon.Recipe: Academus Monitor Waist.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Active Mitigation Component Icon.Recipe: Active Mitigation Component.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Belt Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Boots Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Boots.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Bracers Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Garb Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Garb.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Gloves Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Helm Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Helm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Pants Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Pants.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Aelan Chainmail Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aeternum Captivum Icon.Recipe: Aeternum Captivum.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Shirt Icon.Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Skivvies Icon.Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Skivvies.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Tool Belt Icon.Recipe: Aggrieved Plateshaper's Tool Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Alchemist's Apple Tart Icon.Recipe: Alchemist's Apple Tart.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Alfaa's Helm Icon.Recipe: Alfaa's Helm.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Belt Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Belt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Bracers Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Cloak Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Gloves Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Helm Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Helm.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Ambitious Academic's Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Focus Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Longbow Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Longbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Mace Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Mace.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Scepter Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Scepter.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Shield Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Shortbow Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Shortbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Sword Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Sword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Wand Icon.Recipe: Ancient Dunzen Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Angler's Smoked Delight Icon.Recipe: Angler's Smoked Delight.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Applesauce Icon.Recipe: Applesauce.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 1.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 2.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Fishing Pole 3.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 1.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 2.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Herbalism Sickle 3.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Basket Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Basket.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 1.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 2.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Bow 3.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Hunting Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 1.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 2.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Lumberjacking Axe 3.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 1.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 2.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprenitce Mining Pickaxe 3.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Alchemy Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Alchemy Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Alchemy Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Alchemy Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Animal Husbandry Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Animal Husbandry Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Animal Husbandry Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Animal Husbandry Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Arcane Engineering Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Arcane Engineering Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Arcane Engineering Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Arcane Engineering Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Armorsmithing Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Armorsmithing Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Armorsmithing Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Armorsmithing Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Carpentry Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Carpentry Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Carpentry Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Carpentry Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Cooking Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Cooking Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Cooking Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Cooking Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Divine Protection Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Divine Protection.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Frugality Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Frugality.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Redemption Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Redemption.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Second Chance Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Second Chance.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Success Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of Success.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of the Indestructable Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Enchanting Scroll of the Indestructable.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Farming Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Farming Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Farming Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Farming Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Basket Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Basket.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 1.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 2.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pole 3.png Recipe Consumable Fishing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Fishing Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Guild War Declaration Scroll Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Guild War Declaration Scroll.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Basket Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Basket.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 1.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 2.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Herbalism Sickle 3.png Recipe Consumable Herbalism CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 1.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 2.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Bow 3.png Recipe Consumable Hunting CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Hunting Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Jeweler Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Jeweler Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Jeweler Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Jeweler Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Leatherworking Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Leatherworking Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Leatherworking Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Leatherworking Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumber Milling Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumber Milling Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumber Milling Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumber Milling Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjack's Quick-Axe Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjack's Quick-Axe.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 1.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 2.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Axe 3.png Recipe Consumable Lumberjacking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Basket Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Basket.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Lumberjacking Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Metalworking Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Metalworking Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Metalworking Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Metalworking Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Basket Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Basket.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 1 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 1.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 2 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 2.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 3 Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pickaxe 3.png Recipe Consumable Mining CommonLegendary
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pouch Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Satchel Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Satchel.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Mining Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Mining Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Restored Treasure Map Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Restored Treasure Map.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scribe Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scribe Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scribe Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scribe Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Adventuring Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Adventuring Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Alchemy Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Alchemy Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Animal Husbandry Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Animal Husbandry Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Arcane Engineering Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Arcane Engineering Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Armorsmithing Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Armorsmithing Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Carpentry Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Carpentry Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Constitution Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Constitution.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Cooking Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Cooking Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Crafting Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Crafting Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Dexterity Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Dexterity.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Farming Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Farming Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Fishing Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Fishing Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Gathering Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Gathering Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Herbalism Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Herbalism Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Hunting Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Hunting Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Intelligence Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Intelligence.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Jeweler Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Jeweler Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Leatherworking Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Leatherworking Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Lumberjacking Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Lumberjacking Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Lumbermilling Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Lumbermilling Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Mentality Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Mentality.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Metalworking Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Metalworking Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Mining Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Mining Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Processing Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Processing Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Scribe Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Scribe Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Stonemasonry Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Stonemasonry Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Strength Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Strength.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Tailoring Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Tailoring Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Tanning Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Tanning Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Weaponsmithing Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Weaponsmithing Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Weaving Experience Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Weaving Experience.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Wisdom Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Scroll of Wisdom.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Stonemasonry Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Stonemasonry Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Stonemasonry Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Stonemasonry Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Tailoring Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Tailoring Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Tailoring Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Tailoring Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Tanning Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Tanning Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Tanning Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Tanning Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Weaponsmithing Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Weaponsmithing Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Weaponsmithing Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Weaponsmithing Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Weaving Pants Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Weaving Pants.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Apprentice Weaving Shirt Icon.Recipe: Apprentice Weaving Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arbiss's Silk Slippers Icon.Recipe: Arbiss's Silk Slippers.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Arbor Etched Tassets Icon.Recipe: Arbor Etched Tassets.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Arrabiata Icon.Recipe: Arcane Arrabiata.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Belt Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Belt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Boots Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Boots.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Bracers Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Cloak Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Garb Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Garb.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Gloves Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Helm Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Helm.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Pants Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Pants.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Mind's Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Arcane Mind's Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Surge Potion Icon.Recipe: Arcane Surge Potion.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Arcane Warding Potion Icon.Recipe: Arcane Warding Potion.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Belt Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Bracers Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Chest Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Chest.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Cloak Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Greaves Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Greaves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Ashen Haunt's Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bandit Captain's Shield Icon.Recipe: Bandit Captain's Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bandit Earring Icon.Recipe: Bandit Earring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Beambender's BBQ Birds Icon.Recipe: Beambender's BBQ Birds.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bearberry Delight Icon.Recipe: Bearberry Delight.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Belt Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Belt.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Bracers Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Cloak Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Forearms Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Gloves Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Hands Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Hands.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Head Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Head.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Hood Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Hood.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearhide Waist Icon.Recipe: Bearhide Waist.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bearmaster's Girdle Icon.Recipe: Bearmaster's Girdle.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Beef Tar Tar Icon.Recipe: Beef Tar Tar.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Beetleplate Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Beetleplate Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Beetleplate Helm Icon.Recipe: Beetleplate Helm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Beettleplate Helm Icon.Recipe: Beettleplate Helm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Belt of Hushed Words Icon.Recipe: Belt of Hushed Words.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Big Copper Spear Icon.Recipe: Big Copper Spear.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Bishamon Icon.Recipe: Bishamon.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bizhbug's Robe Icon.Recipe: Bizhbug's Robe.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary
Recipe: Black Feathered Tunic Icon.Recipe: Black Feathered Tunic.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blackberry Porkchop Icon.Recipe: Blackberry Porkchop.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blackened Chain Collar Icon.Recipe: Blackened Chain Collar.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blackfeather Tunic Icon.Recipe: Blackfeather Tunic.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blacksmith's BBQ Grilled Cheese Icon.Recipe: Blacksmith's BBQ Grilled Cheese.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blade of Shattered Crystal Icon.Recipe: Blade of Shattered Crystal.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blade of the Oakenbane Icon.Recipe: Blade of the Oakenbane.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Blister's Ring Icon.Recipe: Blister's Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Blister's Wand Icon.Recipe: Blister's Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Blood Cursed Focus Icon.Recipe: Blood Cursed Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blood Cursed Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Blood Cursed Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Blood-boiled Spiritbloom Powder Icon.Recipe: Blood-boiled Spiritbloom Powder.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodied Bone Ring Icon.Recipe: Bloodied Bone Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodmother's Pearl Necklace Icon.Recipe: Bloodmother's Pearl Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bloodrunner Chest Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Chest.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Feet Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Feet.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Forearms Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Hands Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Hands.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Head Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Head.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Legs Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Legs.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodrunner Waist Icon.Recipe: Bloodrunner Waist.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloodstained Hands Icon.Recipe: Bloodstained Hands.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bloom Warden Chest Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Chest.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Feet Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Feet.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Forearms Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Hands Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Hands.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Head Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Head.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Legs Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Legs.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bloom Warden Waist Icon.Recipe: Bloom Warden Waist.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bluebell Belt Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Belt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Bracers Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Cloak Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Forearms Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Gloves Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Hands Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Hands.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Head Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Head.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Hood Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Hood.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bluebell Waist Icon.Recipe: Bluebell Waist.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bone Earring Icon.Recipe: Bone Earring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bone Necklace Icon.Recipe: Bone Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bone Ring Icon.Recipe: Bone Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bone Shard Greatsword Icon.Recipe: Bone Shard Greatsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bone Woven Headband Icon.Recipe: Bone Woven Headband.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bonewoven Headdress Icon.Recipe: Bonewoven Headdress.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Book of Scrawlings Icon.Recipe: Book of Scrawlings.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Boots of the Tardy Icon.Recipe: Boots of the Tardy.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bornegaurd Icon.Recipe: Bornegaurd .png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bough Warden's Recurve Icon.Recipe: Bough Warden's Recurve.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bracers of Retribution Icon.Recipe: Bracers of Retribution.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bracers of the Lifter Icon.Recipe: Bracers of the Lifter.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Braithreach Stompers Icon.Recipe: Braithreach Stompers.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Brass Chain Necklace Icon.Recipe: Brass Chain Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Energy Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Brass Energy Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Focus Icon.Recipe: Brass Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Great Spellsword Icon.Recipe: Brass Great Spellsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Greatsword Icon.Recipe: Brass Greatsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Hoop Earring Icon.Recipe: Brass Hoop Earring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Long Spellbow Icon.Recipe: Brass Long Spellbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Longbow Icon.Recipe: Brass Longbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Mace Icon.Recipe: Brass Mace.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Plated Caravan Armor Icon.Recipe: Brass Plated Caravan Armor.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Carriage Icon.Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Carriage.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Chassis Icon.Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Chassis.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Wheels Icon.Recipe: Brass Reinforced Caravan Wheels.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Ring Icon.Recipe: Brass Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Scepter Icon.Recipe: Brass Scepter.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Shield Icon.Recipe: Brass Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Short Spellbow Icon.Recipe: Brass Short Spellbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Shortbow Icon.Recipe: Brass Shortbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Brass Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Spellword Icon.Recipe: Brass Spellword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Sword Icon.Recipe: Brass Sword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brass Wand Icon.Recipe: Brass Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Briarpaw's Gloves Icon.Recipe: Briarpaw's Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bronze Chain Necklace Icon.Recipe: Bronze Chain Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Energy Focus Icon.Recipe: Bronze Energy Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Energy Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Bronze Energy Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Focus Icon.Recipe: Bronze Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Great Spellsword Icon.Recipe: Bronze Great Spellsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Greatsword Icon.Recipe: Bronze Greatsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Hoop Earning Icon.Recipe: Bronze Hoop Earning.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Long Spellbow Icon.Recipe: Bronze Long Spellbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Longbow Icon.Recipe: Bronze Longbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Mace Icon.Recipe: Bronze Mace.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Plated Caravan Armor Icon.Recipe: Bronze Plated Caravan Armor.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Carriage Icon.Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Carriage.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Chassis Icon.Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Chassis.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Wheels Icon.Recipe: Bronze Reinforced Caravan Wheels.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Ring Icon.Recipe: Bronze Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Scepter Icon.Recipe: Bronze Scepter.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Shield Icon.Recipe: Bronze Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Short Spellbow Icon.Recipe: Bronze Short Spellbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Shortbow Icon.Recipe: Bronze Shortbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Bronze Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Spellsword Icon.Recipe: Bronze Spellsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Sword Icon.Recipe: Bronze Sword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Bronze Wand Icon.Recipe: Bronze Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Brutal Might Potion Icon.Recipe: Brutal Might Potion.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Butcher Bear Icon.Recipe: Butcher Bear.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Butcher Bork Icon.Recipe: Butcher Bork.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Butcher Giant Bullywog Icon.Recipe: Butcher Giant Bullywog.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Butcher Gryphon Icon.Recipe: Butcher Gryphon.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Butcher Raptor Icon.Recipe: Butcher Raptor.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Butcher Riverdancer Otter Icon.Recipe: Butcher Riverdancer Otter.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Butcher Skinwalker Icon.Recipe: Butcher Skinwalker.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Butcher Wolf Icon.Recipe: Butcher Wolf.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary
Recipe: Butcher Wyrmling Icon.Recipe: Butcher Wyrmling.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Buttressed Shield Icon.Recipe: Buttressed Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Calcified Eyestalk Icon.Recipe: Calcified Eyestalk.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Carphin Earring Icon.Recipe: Carphin Earring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Carphin Necklace Icon.Recipe: Carphin Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Carphin Ring Icon.Recipe: Carphin Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Carphin Stonewatcher's Greatsword Icon.Recipe: Carphin Stonewatcher's Greatsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Cuisses Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Cuisses.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Faulds Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Faulds.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Gauntlets Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Gauntlets.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Greaves Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Greaves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Stechhelm Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Stechhelm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Vambrace Icon.Recipe: Cataphract Of Valor Vambrace.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Chef's Perfect Pizza Icon.Recipe: Chef's Perfect Pizza.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Chewed Wand Icon.Recipe: Chewed Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Chopping Block Gryphon Dumplings Icon.Recipe: Chopping Block Gryphon Dumplings.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cindersinger Icon.Recipe: Cindersinger.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cloak of Ill Omens Icon.Recipe: Cloak of Ill Omens.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cloak of the Trailbreaker Icon.Recipe: Cloak of the Trailbreaker.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Codified Index Icon.Recipe: Codified Index.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Back Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Back.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Chest Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Chest.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Feet Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Feet.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Forearms Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Hands Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Hands.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Head Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Head.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Legs Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Legs.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cognoscente Waist Icon.Recipe: Cognoscente Waist.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Commander's Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Commander's Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Commander's Necklace Icon.Recipe: Commander's Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Conduit of the Bruin Icon.Recipe: Conduit of the Bruin.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Copper Dagger Icon.Recipe: Copper Dagger.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Great Spellsword Icon.Recipe: Copper Great Spellsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Greatword Icon.Recipe: Copper Greatword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Longbow Icon.Recipe: Copper Longbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Mace Icon.Recipe: Copper Mace.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Plated Caravan Armor Icon.Recipe: Copper Plated Caravan Armor.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Carriage Icon.Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Carriage.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Chassis Icon.Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Chassis.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Wheels Icon.Recipe: Copper Reinforced Caravan Wheels.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Copper Scepter Icon.Recipe: Copper Scepter.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Shield Icon.Recipe: Copper Shield.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Shortbow Icon.Recipe: Copper Shortbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Spellsword Icon.Recipe: Copper Spellsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Copper Sword Icon.Recipe: Copper Sword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary
Recipe: Corrupted Chili Flakes Icon.Recipe: Corrupted Chili Flakes.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Counter's Cuff Icon.Recipe: Counter's Cuff.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Courser's Signet Icon.Recipe: Courser's Signet.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Cracked Historian's Hoop Icon.Recipe: Cracked Historian's Hoop.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Craftsman's Casserole Icon.Recipe: Craftsman's Casserole.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cremator Focus Icon.Recipe: Cremator Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystal Cudgel Icon.Recipe: Crystal Cudgel.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalize Blood Spear Icon.Recipe: Crystalize Blood Spear.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Hammer Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Hammer.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Longbow Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Longbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Shield Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Shield .png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Shortbow Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Shortbow.png Recipe Consumable Carpentry CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Staff Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Staff.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Sword Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Sword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystalized Blood Wand Icon.Recipe: Crystalized Blood Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Crystallized Cap Icon.Recipe: Crystallized Cap.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cuffs of the Seeker Icon.Recipe: Cuffs of the Seeker.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Cuirass of Enchantment Icon.Recipe: Cuirass of Enchantment.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Desecrated Ring Icon.Recipe: Desecrated Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary
Recipe: Desecration's Dagger Icon.Recipe: Desecration's Dagger.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Divination Mirror Icon.Recipe: Divination Mirror.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Djinnmagi's Folly Icon.Recipe: Djinnmagi's Folly.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Doomsday Necklace Icon.Recipe: Doomsday Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Shirt Icon.Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Shirt.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Skivvies Icon.Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Skivvies.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Tool Belt Icon.Recipe: Dunzen Smith's Tool Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Earthen Brass Wand Icon.Recipe: Earthen Brass Wand.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Elixir of Alchemy Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Alchemy.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Animal Husbandry Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Animal Husbandry.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Arcane Engineering Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Arcane Engineering.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Armorsmithing Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Armorsmithing.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Carpentry Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Carpentry.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Constitution Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Constitution.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Cooking Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Cooking.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Crafting Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Crafting.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Crafting Experience Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Crafting Experience.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Dexterity Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Dexterity.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Farming Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Farming.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Fishing Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Fishing.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Gathering Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Gathering.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Gathering Experience Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Gathering Experience.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Herbalism Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Herbalism.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Hunting Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Hunting.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Intelligence Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Intelligence.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Jewel Crafting Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Jewel Crafting.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Leatherworking Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Leatherworking.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Lumber Milling Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Lumber Milling.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Lumberjacking Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Lumberjacking.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Mentality Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Mentality.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Metalworking Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Metalworking.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Mining Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Mining.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Processing Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Processing.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Processing Experience Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Processing Experience.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Scribing Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Scribing.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Stonemasonry Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Stonemasonry.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Strength Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Strength.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Tailoring Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Tailoring.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Tanning Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Tanning.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Weaponsmithing Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Weaponsmithing.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Weaving Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Weaving.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Elixir of Wisdom Icon.Recipe: Elixir of Wisdom.png Recipe Consumable Alchemy CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Embertoss Icon.Recipe: Embertoss .png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Emerald Earring Icon.Recipe: Emerald Earring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Emerald Necklace Icon.Recipe: Emerald Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Emerald Ring Icon.Recipe: Emerald Ring.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Belt Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Boots Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Boots.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Bracers Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Garb Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Garb.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Gloves Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Helm Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Helm.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Pants Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Pants.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Enchanted Bronze Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Enchanting Scroll of Perfect Success Icon.Recipe: Enchanting Scroll of Perfect Success.png Recipe Consumable Scribe CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Eternal Leather Garb Icon.Recipe: Eternal Leather Garb.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Everlasting Sower's Bone Necklace Icon.Recipe: Everlasting Sower's Bone Necklace.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Excavation Empanadas Icon.Recipe: Excavation Empanadas.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Eye of Zom Icon.Recipe: Eye of Zom.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Farmer's Meat Pie Icon.Recipe: Farmer's Meat Pie.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Fire-scarred Chestplate Icon.Recipe: Fire-scarred Chestplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Firebrand's Greatsword Icon.Recipe: Firebrand's Greatsword.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Flayed Flesh Cape Icon.Recipe: Flayed Flesh Cape.png Recipe Consumable Leatherworking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Flayer's Fleshripper Icon.Recipe: Flayer's Fleshripper.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forge-Fired Beef & Barley Stew Icon.Recipe: Forge-Fired Beef & Barley Stew.png Recipe Consumable Cooking CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: ForgeGuard Back Icon.Recipe: ForgeGuard Back.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Feet Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Feet.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Forearms Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Forearms.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Hands Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Hands.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Head Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Head.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Legs Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Legs.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Shoulders Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Shoulders.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard Waist Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard Waist.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Belt Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Boots Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Boots.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Bracers Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Cloak Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Cloak.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Gauntlets Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Gauntlets.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Helmet Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Helmet.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Leggings Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Leggings.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgeguard's Pauldrons Icon.Recipe: Forgeguard's Pauldrons.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgelord's Mining Pouch Icon.Recipe: Forgelord's Mining Pouch.png Recipe Consumable Tailoring CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forgelord's Signet Icon.Recipe: Forgelord's Signet.png Recipe Consumable Jeweler CommonLegendary 20
Recipe: Forsaken Blade Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blade.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Belt Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Belt.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Boots Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Boots.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Bracers Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Bracers.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Breastplate Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Breastplate.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Dagger Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Dagger.png Recipe Consumable Weapon Smithing CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Energy Spellbook Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Energy Spellbook.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Focus Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Focus.png Recipe Consumable Arcane Engineering CommonLegendary 10
Recipe: Forsaken Blades Gloves Icon.Recipe: Forsaken Blades Gloves.png Recipe Consumable Armor Smithing CommonLegendary 10


See also


  1. Video, November 30, 2023 (3:15).
  2. Livestream, April 30, 2024 (1:03:57).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:58:55).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Video, November 30, 2023 (3:49).
  5. Interview, March 27, 2020 (9:00).
  6. Livestream, May 5, 2017 (20:41).
  7. Rng crafting.jpg
  8. Interview, January 19, 2025 (32:34).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Interview, January 19, 2025 (25:02).
  10. 10.0 10.1 Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:54:37).
  11. 11.0 11.1 Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:38:47).
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Video, November 30, 2023 (59:21).
  13. 13.0 13.1 Interview, October 20, 2018 (17:31).
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Video, November 30, 2023 (1:01:04).
  15. Livestream, May 26, 2017 (5:25).
  16. 16.0 16.1 Interview, February 7, 2021 (37:26).
  17. Podcast, December 3, 2023 (17:10).
  18. Livestream, July 3, 2024 (2:05:03).
  19. Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:57:38).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Livestream, January 28, 2022 (1:19:48).
  21. 21.0 21.1 Video, November 30, 2023 (1:02:15).
  22. 22.0 22.1 Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:56:01).
  23. Interview, February 7, 2021 (38:15).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (28:38).
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Livestream, May 26, 2017 (26:00).
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Podcast, December 3, 2023 (4:44).
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:48:18).
  28. Video, August 31, 2023 (45:06).
  29. Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
  30. 30.0 30.1 steven-workstations.png
  31. 31.0 31.1 Livestream, April 7, 2023 (31:49).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Livestream, January 30, 2020 (1:38:26).
  33. Livestream, May 12, 2017 (1:00:18).
  34. Interview, July 19, 2020 (6:38).
  35. 35.0 35.1 Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:49:28).
  36. Development Update with Freehold Preview.
  37. Podcast, September 29, 2021 (4:43).
  38. Livestream, December 19, 2023 (1:50:51).
  39. Livestream, July 29, 2022 (1:17:33).
  40. Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:26:16).
  41. Livestream, June 30, 2022 (1:08:02).
  42. Podcast, April 11, 2021 (40:20).
  43. Blog: Know Your Nodes - Scientific Node Type
  44. 44.0 44.1 Livestream, February 24, 2023 (39:43).
  45. 45.0 45.1 Livestream, October 14, 2022 (35:22).
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Interview, February 7, 2021 (45:41).
  47. 47.0 47.1 Podcast, May 11, 2018 (27:20).
  48. Livestream, May 10, 2017 (6:12).