It's a really big dude and the idea behind him is you're gonna see big monsters- I think that the character comes up to like his elbow maybe, or just beneath the elbow I'm not sure- but you're going to see these big elites just roaming and wandering through the world. They're not assigned any to to any particular hunting ground, they just roam; and I think that component is pretty cool especially when you have an open world where you can see something unique that's not matching the monsters you're hunting in a certain area but just strolls by.[1] – Steven Sharif

There are going to be different types of "Goblinesque" creatures; and this one has not skipped out on his leg or arm day, which is a good thing for him because he's probably going to be in a lot of fights.[3] – Steven Sharif
There will be a mix of different mobs/monsters and difficulty levels throughout the world that are tied to the development of nearby nodes. As nodes advance, mobs will present new and increasing dangers that players can participate in.[4]
- In the world naturally there will be locations that are going to have a mix of different levels of monsters and difficulty levels; and then those spawn tables relate to the development of nearby nodes. So as nodes develop they'll be changing the spawn tables around them to reflect their further development in the world, presenting new and more difficult dangers that the players can participate in.[4] – Steven Sharif
- Mob spawning rates will adapt if the mob count falls below minimum thresholds for that mob type within an area.[5]
- As monster count drops beneath a threshold, the spawner will spawn additional monsters. The the world designers have all that flexibility at their disposal. It just depends on the area, the quest type that the mob is is servicing.[5] – Steven Sharif
- Not all creatures are immediately hostile to players.[6][7] Some creatures may hunt other creatures.[8]
- We've talked about this a little bit in the past when talking about taming and/or certain types of like creature gatherable resources there are herds that exist out there. There are big game that exist out there, where they're not going to aggro and attack you per-se. Also lower level monsters and certain type of like social monsters may not attack you off the bat.[7] – Steven Sharif
- There will be flying mobs, but not in terms of requiring a flying mount to engage them.[9]
- We will have flying monsters but essentially what that means is there's going to be rotations either in the behavior tree that might make them inaccessible to targets, or they might do some like swooping attacks; they might come and land on the ground and fight you. But generally monsters are going to be accessible from on the ground, so we're not creating content for the limited number of individuals who are going to have access to a flying mount.[9] – Steven Sharif
- Mob training (pulling mobs onto other players) is intended to be addressed in Alpha-2.[10][11] Mob training lower level players is considered griefing.[12]
- Mob training is something that is going to be fixed by the NPC engineering team when we implement code that restricts the monster from acquiring social hate against a party that is not of the aggroer when they leave a certain distance from their original spawn point. So what that means is they can continue to acquire hate on the party that is affiliated with the initial aggro, regardless of the distance from their initial spawn point, but if you are outside of that party and that mob has left a certain distance from its original spawn point it will not be able to acquire social hate.[11] – Steven Sharif
- Certain world bosses and elite monsters will path/roam throughout the world.[13][1] Other mobs will have leashes that will cause the mob to reset if it moves too far from its point of origin.[14]
- Leashes are relevant. There's other gameplay implications that happen when you're able to actually move populations around. We don't want to really give that to the players perspective.[14] – Steven Sharif
- In general, mobs will not leave footprints or cause screen-shake; but larger monsters and bosses may do.[16][17] Screen shake will be customizable in user interface settings.[16][18][19]
- There is something to be had there about those types of screen-shake effects. We want them to be present when we're emphasizing certain things, but we don't want them to be a nuisance, or annoying, or too plentiful; and having screen-shake apply to every step would probably be too abundant. Will players have control over those on-screen type effects? Yeah I think so. I think that's something we want to provision as a customizable option for players to be able to turn off, because it can be somewhat nauseating for certain groups of people and a distraction from what's happening in the world.[16] – Steven Sharif
- Average non-elite mob time-to-kill for a solo player is intended to be around 6 seconds.[20]
- Certain bosses and creatures will have voice lines along with other audio cues.[21]
Mob types
Mob types will have different resistances.[22][23]
- Animated Armor Mobs
- Arachnids
- Arcana
- Avian
- Bandits
- Bats
- Bears
- Beetles
- Beholders
- Bloomeria
- Bosses
- Cats
- Crocodiles
- Cultists
- Cyclops
- Deer
- Demons
- Dogs
- Dragons
- Druids
- Elementals
- Flame Elementals
- Flangglers
- Forsaken Blade
- Frogs
- Giants
- Goblins
- Golems
- Gryphons
- Haunted Armor
- Highwaymen
- Humanoids
- Living statues
- Minotaurs
- Mushroom (mobs)
- Najash
- Otters
- Plant mobs
- Rabbids
- Raptors
- Rock Elementals
- Scorpion
- Scorpions
- Shifting Coin Bandits
- Skeletons
- Sladeborne
- Snakes
- Spirits
- Stags
- The Ancients
- Treants
- Trolls
- Undead
- Verran Hoarders
- Wolves
- Zombies
Elites are a tier of mob or boss in Ashes of Creation.[15][1]
- Stronger, more dangerous elites have higher star rankings.[25]
- Certain elite monsters that are not assigned to any particular hunting ground will roam throughout the world.[1] Other mobs will have leashes that will cause the mob to reset if it moves too far from its point of origin.[14]
List of elites
- Administrator Crucia
(3 star)
- Aelan Journeyman
(3 star)
- Ahm'dar
(3 star)
- Alecog, Eternal Guardian
(3 star)
- Alloyed Laborer
(3 star)
- Alpha Wolf
(1 star)
- Amber Crawlers
(2 star)
- Ancient Stag
- Arcane Thistlebloom
(3 star)
- Ashen Banneret
(3 star)
- Ashen Chevalier
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Berserker
(1 star) -
(2 star)
- Ashen Flame Devastator
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Disciple
(1 star)
- Ashen Flame Paladin
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Raider
(1 star)
- Ashen Flame Riverspeaker
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Spiritcaller
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Streamweaver
(1 star)
- Ashen Flame Summoner
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Ashen Flame Warpriest
(2 star)
- Ashen Flame Warrior
(1 star)
- Ashen Flame Wavecaller
(2 star)
- Ashen Haunt Nightterror
(3 star)
- Ashen Haunt War Mage
(3 star)
- Ashen Sorceror
(3 star)
- Awakened Augur
(3 star)
- Awakened Tombwatcher
(3 star)
- Bartok the Heartless
(2 star)
- Bellowsmasher
(3 star)
- Bewitched Blackbird
(3 star)
- Blood-Eyed Raven
(3 star)
- Blood-eyed Raven
(3 star)
- Bloodshot Ocular
(2 star) -
(3 star)
- Bloodthirsty Grem
(3 star)
- Bondbinder Shaman
(3 star)
- Bonebinder Bork
(3 star)
- Bonebinder Creeper
(3 star)
- Bonebinder Kidnapper
(2 star) -
(3 star)
- Bonebinder Outhouser
(2 star)
- Bonebinder Shaman
(3 star)
- Bork
(3 star)
- Broody Scarab
(2 star)
- Brootuss
(3 star)
- Bull Crocodile
(2 star)
- Caerbannog the Fanged
- Cap'n Knuckles
(1 star)
- Captain Corvid, the Crusher
(2 star)
- Captain Janie Anybones
(3 star)
- Captain of the 9th
(1 star)
- Corrupted Keeper Recluse
(3 star)
- Corvin the Crusher
- Creaking Bladewraith
- Crimson Giant Scarab
- Crimson Scarab
(1 star) -
(2 star)
- Crocodile
(1 star)
- Curious Ocular
(3 star)
- Cursed Chirurgeon
(3 star)
- Cursed Crusher
(3 star)
- Cursed Flamestoker
(3 star)
- Cursed Smith
(3 star)
- Cursed Striker
(3 star)
- Daragal Taskmaster
(3 star)
- Deviant Tidebreaker
- Dig Site Overseer
(3 star)
- Dire Bork
(3 star)
- Djinnbound Beetle
(2 star)
- Djinnbound Guardian
(1 star) -
(2 star)
- Djinnbound Laborer
(1 star)
- Djinnbound Messenger
(1 star)
- Dread Knight
(1 star)
- Dread Praetorian
(3 star)
- Enchanted Knight
(3 star)
- Enchanted Warmage
(3 star)
- Everlasting Sower
(2 star)
- Flame Elemental
(2 star)
- Flameforged Arsonist
(2 star)
- Flameforged Captain
(2 star)
- Flameforged Raider
(2 star)
- Flameforged Ranger
(2 star)
- Forge Wright
(3 star)
- Forgeguard Lassix
(3 star)
- Forgehound
(3 star)
- Forgewright
(3 star)
- Forgewright Striger
(3 star)
- Forgotten Groundskeeper
(3 star)
- Forsaken Blades Firestarter
(3 star)
- Forsaken Blades Marauder
(3 star)
- Forsaken Blades Wargrizz
(3 star)
- Giant
(3 star)
- Giant Crimson Scarab
(3 star)
- Giant Sandweaver Scorpion
(3 star)
- Giant Scarab
(2 star)
- Giant Scorpion
(2 star)
- Goblin High Shaman
(2 star)
- God Spike Scholar
- Gravehide Beastmaster
(3 star)
- Gravehide Bork Tamer
(3 star)
- Gravehide Chopper
(3 star)
- Gravehide Creeper
(3 star)
- Gravehide Druid
(3 star)
- Gravehide Flayer
(3 star)
- Gravehide Gillmuster
(3 star)
- Gravehide Hob
(3 star)
- Gravehide Marrowstaff
(3 star)
- Gravehide Shaman
(3 star)
- Gravewalker Invoker
(3 star)
- Gravewalker Zombie
(3 star)
- Graveyard Golem
(2 star) -
(3 star)
- Grim Harvester
(3 star)
- Growler
(2 star)
- Highwayman Aggressor
(1 star)
- Highwayman Arsonist
(3 star)
- Highwayman Cleric
(1 star)
- Highwayman Commander
(1 star)
- Highwayman Firestarter
(1 star)
- Highwayman Healer
(3 star)
- Highwayman Marauder
(2 star)
- Highwayman Physicker
(3 star)
- Highwayman Raider
(3 star)
- Highwayman Ranger
(1 star)
- Highwayman Sniper
(3 star)
- Highwaymen Captain
(2 star)
- Highwaymen Elite Captain
- Highwaymen Elite Raider
- Highwaymen Guardian
(3 star)
- Highwaymen Officer
(1 star)
- Hoarder
(3 star)
- Honored Sacrifice
(3 star)
- Horn of Betrayal
(1 star)
- Horn of Corruption
(1 star)
- Horn of Spite
(1 star)
- Imperishable Flame
(1 star)
- Kaelan Brown Bear
(3 star)
- Kaelan Grizzly Bear
(2 star)
- Kain Moorling
(2 star)
- Keeper of the Keys
(3 star)
- Khalidur's Harvester
(3 star)
- Khg-Izp
(3 star)
- Lightclaw Bork
(3 star)
- Lost Hero
(2 star)
- Lost Spectre
(1 star)
- Madiera of the Old Acre
- Magma Golem
(3 star)
- Marching Mausoleum
(3 star)
- Master Smith Eucidiaeh
(3 star)
- Maza's Flame
(3 star)
- Mournful Revenant
(1 star)
- Mycellion
(1 star)
- Najash Ambusher
(1 star) -
(2 star)
- Najash Hunter
(2 star)
- Najash Predator
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Najash Tracker
(3 star)
- Nangolith the Spinner
(2 star)
- Nock the Featherer
- Nocturnal Scavenger
(3 star)
- Nurse Pelomneh
(3 star)
- Ocular
(2 star) -
(3 star)
- Overcharged Crystal Golem
(3 star)
- Overgrown Bloomeria
(3 star)
- Overripe Mycellion
(3 star)
- Patrolling Berserker
(1 star)
- Peerless Phantom
(3 star)
- Pink Plant
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Pink Sproutura
(1 star)
- Raven
(3 star)
- Ravenous Lockbox
(3 star)
- Reanimated Warrior
(3 star)
- Rekindled Guardian
(3 star)
- Restless Ashen Flame Berserker
(1 star)
- Restless Invoker
(3 star)
- Restless Stevedore
(3 star)
- Revenant Reaper
(2 star)
- Ripened Mycellion
(2 star)
- Risen Berserker
(1 star)
- Risen Boneguard
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Risen Warhorn
(1 star) -
(2 star)
- Roaming Bigshot
(3 star)
- Rot Hound
(3 star)
- Ruinous Giant
(3 star)
- Sandsquall Scorpion
(2 star)
- Sandweaver Scorpion
(1 star)
- Savage Flayer
(2 star)
- Scalebreaker
(3 star)
- Sephillite Archanomist
(3 star)
- Sephillite Guardian
(3 star)
- Servant Excavator
(3 star)
- Sevrin Nocturne
(3 star)
- Shadebelly Ravener
(2 star)
- Sighted Fanatic
(3 star)
- Sighted Scavenger
(3 star)
- Sighted Seeker
- Sighted Spelldealer
(3 star)
- Singed Stomper
(3 star)
- Sir Krupp the Betrayer
(1 star)
- Sir Romulus, The Protector
(3 star)
- Skeletal Reaper
(1 star)
- Skeleton
(3 star)
- Skeleton Knight
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Skeleton Nightterror
(3 star)
- Slagborne Laborer
(3 star)
- Slate Wolf
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Sodden Boatswain
(3 star)
- Sodden Navigator
(3 star)
- Sodden Quartermaster
(3 star)
- Solace, Arificial Smithy
(3 star)
- Son Of Ezgani
- Sootfoot Samme
(3 star)
- Stone Construct
(3 star)
- Subdued Gravehide
(3 star)
- Sun Spear Berserker
(1 star)
- Sun Spear Shaman
(1 star)
- Sun Spear Spiritdancer
(1 star)
- Sun Spear Streamweaver
(1 star)
- Tapmaster Percheh
(3 star) -
(4 star)
- The Charta Secare
- The Embalmed Beserker
(1 star)
- The Embalmed Warpriest
(1 star)
- The Hornhexer
(3 star)
- Timeless Tiller
(2 star)
- Togar'omon the Ever-Living
- Tomb Walker
(3 star)
- Toren Administrator
(3 star)
- Toren Forgeguard
(3 star)
- Troll Crusher
- Tropics High Flamespeaker
(3 star)
- Tropics Stabber
(2 star)
- Tumok the Wretched
(5 star)
- Undead Dunir Berserker
(3 star)
- Undead Dunir Cleric
(3 star)
- Undead Dunir Fighter
(3 star)
- Undead Dunir Mage
(3 star)
- Undead Dunir Tank
(3 star)
- Undying Servant
(3 star)
- Unruly Flame
(3 star)
- Venomspire Broodguard
(2 star)
- Venomspire Dustling
(1 star)
- Venomspire Toxsling
(1 star)
- Venomstrike Scorpion
(1 star)
- Vultauro the Bull
(2 star)
- Wandering Abberant
(3 star)
- War Chief Gruun
(1 star)
- Warlord Silvertooth
(2 star)
- Warped Armor Knight
(1 star)
- Warren Grim
(3 star)
- Winch
(3 star)
- Yuna the Stormweaver
(1 star)
- Zinjala Guard
(1 star)
- Zombie Invoker
(1 star) -
(3 star)
- Zombie Nightterror
(3 star)
- Zombie Thaumaturge
(3 star)
NPC variants
There will be variants of the monthly cosmetics for NPCs and Mobs.[27][28]
We've mentioned this before about what the cosmetics do, but all of those pre-order pack items allow us to create the world. They're the NPCs in the world. They help us make NPC variants. The clothing and costumes are costumes that we'll be putting on NPCs. You're actually helping us create the world.[29] – Margaret Krohn
Zones and mob levels
Dungeons, Raids, World bosses, Mobs, Quests, Events, Resources, Narratives and other content within a node's ZOI will have a diverse level range; but will scale with the advancement of that node and its racial influence.[30][31][32]
- Approximately 50-60% of the spawn tables for mobs and resources are static and other portions are dynamic and adapt to node development.[33][34]
- We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for.[35] – Steven Sharif
Artificial intelligence
This was something that we talked about with the Adaptive AI being able to respond to large quantities of players. If you try to mass this guy down, he's going to be selecting AoE's in the direction of those hordes.[36] – Steven Sharif
Ashes of Creation utilizes an adaptive artificial intelligence (AI), meaning different encounters with similar mobs and bosses will yield different player experiences.[37][38]
- The level or stats of bosses will not scale due to player levels or numbers, however boss AI is able adapt to player numbers through the selection of mechanics and behaviors.[39][36][40][41][42]
- As you add more players to an open world encounter there are going to be certain behaviors and/or actions that might now be higher in frequency as a result of those additional players coming in; and some of those systems might be different AoE abilities or behaviors that the AI has available to it.[39] – Steven Sharif
- Some NPC AI behaviors may be randomly selected at the time of initial engagement causing them to make decisions dynamically during an encounter.[37][43][44][45]
- Higher frequency of AoE attacks depending on how many players are participating.[43]
- Unlock rage, recovery effects and buffs.[46][43]
- Supporting other monster types or classes nearby.[46]
- Additional adds and add classes.[43]
- Some NPCs may attempt to seek cover behind obstacles during encounters.[47]
- Mobs should become unkillable if they can't find a path to the player. The temporary measure of NPCs teleporting to the player in Alpha-2 phase-2 will be removed when NPC pathing behavior has been improved.[48]
- Q: What are the plans for improving mob pathing behavior to make them less able to be cheesed without also being too OP, such as teleporting to players if they can't find a valid path?
- A: We were seeing monsters get stuck in certain locations because we were trying to save memory with not having so granular nav meshes available; and as a result we had to introduce a temporary solution, which was the ability for the monsters to teleport to certain targets if they got stuck on certain pieces of terrain. Now, ideally whenever a monster state tree is not cycling- whenever it's not going through a particular behavior, you would have the leash function called where the monster then returns to its original spawn point and regenerates health and is either un-interactable, or can't take damage during that period of time... We do have our NPC engineers focused on the navigation solution and not having to utilize teleporting as a means to reach the player.[48] – Steven Sharif
- NPCs performing "idle actions" to make the world seem more alive has been discussed by the developers but is not confirmed.[49]
- Part of the NPC encounter design is not always going to be the same behavior tree. There will be purposefully behaviors that exist for the boss that are rolled at the time of the initial engagement; and so that is in an effort to keep things emergent, to keep things different, to try to not keep a static monotonous engagement idea.[37] – Steven Sharif
There are AI systems that don't relate to controlling NPCs.[50]
- There are some additional AI parameters that are set that don't relate necessarily to controlling NPCs. There are AIs with regards to the development of the borders for nodes in the direction and also the decisions that are made of which lower nodes to enslave as vassal states. There's AI that relates to a little bit of the stock market that's going to be present in the economy. There's some AI systems that are going to be announced also that are pretty innovative I think with regards to the MMORPG genre and that's going to make the triggered event system very interesting I think; and that's with regards to how nodes develop and the environment reacts to that development by spawning these triggered events of a horde of zombies attacking a city or a legendary raid boss coming out of the mountain. I think there's a lot of opportunity for some of the innovations that's been in the AI sector of game development too to come out in Ashes.[50] – Steven Sharif
NPC perception
NPC perception is intended to have different sensory types, ranges, and angles.[51][52][53]
- We are talking about things like unique abilities played by characters that extend the perception radius, or sounds and different types of walking that are angular from the mob's perception perspective to be unique, different types of creatures that might be of three-dimensional in space, whether it is in water or birds in the sky that have a downward cone angle type perception as well. Those are things we want to do, but we haven't yet spent the time on the AI behaviors there.[52] – Steven Sharif
- Social aggro will vary based on NPC types and NPC factions.[51]
- Q: How far away from hostile targets will be before they act aggressively towards us? More specifically, will creatures watch us murder their friends in the open world with no reaction, will they try to kill us in retaliation, or will they run away in sheer terror?
- A: Obviously as MMO Gamers we're accustomed to the concept of social aggro. When I hit a target out in the field, they're going to aggro other creatures nearby. We have similar functionality. Obviously however we also have this concept of a more puzzle-oriented level design, where you have different patrollers that might be moving around the world. So that dynamic is always changing the creatures that are near each other might be something that you need to be cognizant of as you begin to navigate those areas. And there might even be certain faction types, where you may have dedicated aggro social tags between certain creature types; and that might be like goblins with their goblin dogs. They could be far away but they send off an alert to those nearby enemies when you aggro another target. And then you also have these perception radiuses; and there's a number of different perception radius types that we incorporate as part of our AI. Those things might be a forward-looking perception cone that represents sight-based perception; and then you might also have a rear perception radius that might represent kind of sound; and those perception types might even interact with unique stats. So, as a Rogue you might have a stealth ability, or as a Ranger you might have camouflage ability: Those are going to dampen those stats which are checked by those perception radiuses; and then you might even have different creature types that fly above the battlefield, or beneath the battlefield, and they may have downward cone type angles. The whole idea is that that navigating the world should be like a puzzle as you move throughout.[51] – Steven Sharif
- Skills such as Stealth and Camouflage can dampen NPC perception.[51]
- NPCs in certain encounters may be aware of their local environment and can seek cover behind obstacles, for example; but this will not be prevalent in general AI designs.[47]

It's anywhere from 2 to 4% chance on an individual mob kill that it might drop a completed item. But, the majority of those cases are going to be basic white low quality items that get dropped essentially and you don't have control over some of the stats that relate to that item.[55] – Steven Sharif
- Mobs drop glint, items, and crafting materials in preference to gold.[56][57]
- Glint is not bound to a specific region and can be also dropped by players on death as stolen glint, based on applicable death penalties.[58][59][60][61][56][62]
- The rarity of glint increases with the mob's level.[63]
- Loot tables are disabled for player controlled monsters.[64]
- Experience debt decreases the drop rate percentages from monsters.[65]
- Q: Are Alpha-2 bosses dropping full items instead of recipes and mats placeholder?
- A: The reward tables are very much in a functional state right now. So, I wouldn't look at these reward tables and say oh this is long-term intended. This is for A2 purposes. However, it is going to be a combination of both. You're going to have full loot drops that are going to occur with world bosses. That is an expectation that should be kept. But, in addition, you will have recipes, you will have unique material components that are used to create those items as well; and you'll also have the ability to deconstruct those items to recoup some of those more unique materials to potentially create more.[66] – Steven Sharif
- Loot (loot tables) from mobs and bosses have about a 2-4% RNG chance of dropping gear (completed items).[55][67][66][68][69]
- There is also a chance that materials and unique recipes are dropped that can be used to craft items of equitable value.[67][66][68][70][71]
- Most completed item drops will be of low quality items, but there is a small RNG chance of looting rare and legendary items or crafting materials from mobs based on the level, status and type of mob. This also applies to harvesting resources with a gathering profession.[55][72][73]
- RNG drop chances will likely not be made public.[74]
- Stats on dropped items will vary based on the rarity of the item.[75]
- The Luck waterfall stat influences potential drop rates. This stat accumulates when within a group.[76]
- Party size does not directly affect loot drops, but since loot in Ashes of Creation encounters is finite (there is no individual loot system), it must be distributed between all party members. This essentially acts to balance the lowered risk in large numbers against lower chances of gaining rewards.[76][77]
- The greater level disparity between a character (or average level of the party) and the mob being looted, the lower the drop percentages will be from that mob. The ideal range is within 5 levels of the mob. Any player or party member with greater than 9 levels difference will stop drops and experience gains.[76][78][55]
- You are most ideal if you're within I believe five levels of the monster that you're killing- party average. However, if anybody in your party is over 9 levels higher than the monster, then the drops and the experience do not occur.[76] – Steven Sharif
- Loot tables will likely not be affected by weather conditions.[79] This was previously listed as a possible effect.[80]
- There won't be specific loot drops for artisans.[81][82] Previously it was stated that master gatherers may have the ability to "spoil" a boss' loot.[83]
- Q: Can only one gathering artisan harvest resources from a single boss, or can multiple different artisans harvest different parts from a boss for different resources? For example, a lumberjack gets a special wood from Tumock's tree weapon, while a herbalist gathers the flowers from that same tree.
- A: We don't have the concept of harvesting from bosses. NPCs follow a reward table format, where those reward tables are global. They're not unique to particular players. So, once the NPC is vanquished, you have access to the loot container that is its corpse; and it has a static value of either materials or items that get dropped; and whatever the party loot settings are that you might be a part of, or if you're a solo player you will be able to recover those things.[82] – Steven Sharif
Glint (previously known as Hunting certificates and Monster certificates) is a bound currency that drops from mobs and players, and is offered as a reward for completing certain quests, events, and achievements. Glint is intended to be the primary method for generating gold in the Ashes of Creation economy.[85][86][59][87][56][57]
- Glint serves a very integral role in the economy within Ashes of Creation. It is a material substance that is acquired through various means, but primarily hunting different antagonists within the world; and it is the physical form of Essence within the beasts of Verra. So when you acquire this it is bound to your character, and that is a very important component of the economic systems here because glint will be used to pay for certain services, such as taxation for buildings that you have, or citizenship dues that are necessary.[88] – Steven Sharif
- Glint is not localized to specific regions.[58][59][60][61][56][62] Previously it was stated that glint was specific to an economic region.[89][56][90][57]
- Glint occupies space within the spatial inventory system and must be transported via crates when in large quantities.[58]
- Glint can be sold directly to commodities vendors at hunting lodges within nodes to "make some quick money".[91]
- Glint may be traded with commodities vendors for player commodities. These commodities can then be transported to other nodes (via caravan or merchant ship) where they can be traded for gold.[59][89][56][90][57] The gold value is based on the demand for the commodity at the destination node (over the last seven days) as well as its distance from the originating node.[92][59]
- Glint will drop as stolen glint on a character's death, based on applicable death penalties.[59][60][61][56][62] Glint taken from caravan wreckages is also classed as stolen.[93] Stolen glint is not bound and may be redeemed for less than its original value at black market locations.[59][60]
- Glint may be used to pay housing taxes and citizen dues.[88][59][87]
- Glint can be stored within node warehouses.[56]
- Glint is not intended as crafting materials.[87]
- Glint is always distributed via round-robin loot rules.[94]
Tamable creatures
Mounts and combat pets can be found in the wild and tamed.[95][96][97]
- Tamable creatures may fit creature templates with pre-defined behaviors.[98]
- For example: A wolf or a dog may look different but may be balanced to the same templated behavior.[98]
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See also
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Livestream, March 26, 2021 (54:26).
- ↑ Livestream, July 31, 2020 (1:45:40).
- ↑ Livestream, June 26, 2020 (1:14:42).
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Livestream, May 26, 2017 (24:33).
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Livestream, July 3, 2024 (2:00:15).
- ↑ Video, May 31, 2023 (4:17).
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Livestream, February 24, 2023 (1:22:04).
- ↑ Video, May 31, 2023 (5:01).
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Livestream, June 25, 2021 (1:28:02).
- ↑ Livestream, January 3, 2025 (49:46).
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Livestream, January 2, 2025 (1:23:53).
- ↑ Livestream, January 2, 2025 (1:26:30).
- ↑ Interview, September 10, 2023 (28:15).
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Livestream, May 27, 2022 (1:00:23).
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Livestream, January 27, 2023 (1:10:12).
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Livestream, May 31, 2023 (43:04).
- ↑ Livestream, May 31, 2023 (40:52).
- ↑ Video, June 30, 2022 (24:18).
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Livestream, May 31, 2023 (45:26).
- ↑ Twitter - Creature resistances.
- ↑ Livestream, June 25, 2021 (1:08:23).
- ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (1:14:18).
- ↑ Video, July 31, 2024 (1:13:33).
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Livestream, May 28, 2021 (1:49:24).
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Livestream, April 30, 2021 (6:46).
- ↑ Interview, July 19, 2020 (19:35).
- ↑ Livestream, May 15, 2017 (30:53).
- ↑ Blog - Know Your Nodes - The Basics.
- ↑ Interview, November 10, 2024 (1:18:03).
- ↑ Livestream, August 26, 2022 (1:28:50).
- ↑ Interview: Ashes of Creation on Building Their Virtual World, 2017-04-13.
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 Video, August 30, 2024 (36:44).
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Interview, September 10, 2023 (34:51).
- ↑ About Ashes of Creation.
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Livestream, August 30, 2024 (1:01:40).
- ↑ Livestream, May 31, 2023 (43:55).
- ↑ Interview, June 13, 2021 (24:14).
- ↑ Video, April 5, 2018 (40:08).
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Interview, June 13, 2021 (22:20).
- ↑ Livestream, July 28, 2017 (43:57).
- ↑ Livestream, May 5, 2017 (11:55).
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 Livestream, July 29, 2022 (1:23:56).
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 Livestream, February 25, 2022 (1:03:32).
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Interview, January 19, 2025 (50:10).
- ↑ Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (3:56).
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 Podcast, May 11, 2018 (24:23).
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 Livestream, February 29, 2024 (3:12).
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 52.2 Livestream, November 30, 2023 (1:36:32).
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Livestream, June 4, 2018 (29:28).
- ↑ Video, January 27, 2023 (16:44).
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Interview, October 14, 2024 (6:29).
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 56.6 56.7 Interview, July 18, 2020 (27:11).
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 Livestream, May 24, 2017 (44:14).
- ↑ 58.0 58.1 58.2
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 59.6 59.7 Interview, September 10, 2023 (53:47).
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 Livestream, March 26, 2021 (1:07:33).
- ↑ 61.0 61.1 61.2
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Podcast, May 5, 2017 (43:05).
- ↑ 63.0 63.1
- ↑ Livestream, May 3, 2017 (35:25).
- ↑ Ashes of Creation Forums - Former Lineage 2 PvP'er wanting to discuss PvP loopholes.
- ↑ 66.0 66.1 66.2 Livestream, August 30, 2024 (1:03:38).
- ↑ 67.0 67.1 Livestream, September 27, 2024 (1:45:22).
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 Interview, July 19, 2020 (8:43).
- ↑ February 8, 2019 - Questions and Answers.
- ↑ Interview, July 20, 2020 (21:57).
- ↑ Livestream, 2018-04-8 (PM) (55:49).
- ↑ Livestream, July 25, 2020 (46:08).
- ↑ Interview, July 18, 2020 (1:00:15).
- ↑ Livestream, April 30, 2024 (1:03:57).
- ↑ Livestream, December 22, 2020 (1:15:01).
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 Livestream, January 3, 2025 (23:11).
- ↑ Podcast, May 10, 2024 (50:37).
- ↑
- ↑ Livestream, May 27, 2022 (1:14:46).
- ↑ Video, May 27, 2022 (2:21).
- ↑ Livestream, August 30, 2024 (1:12:52).
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 Livestream, February 29, 2024 (1:22:09).
- ↑ Podcast, August 4, 2018 (1:44:54).
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 Video, October 31, 2023 (4:45).
- ↑ Livestream, October 31, 2023 (1:06:32).
- ↑ Video, October 31, 2023 (3:34).
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 87.2 Livestream, October 29, 2021 (1:06:31).
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 88.2 Video, October 31, 2023 (5:06).
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 Interview, July 19, 2020 (1:08:22).
- ↑ 90.0 90.1 Interview, April 17, 2019 (49:55).
- ↑ Video, October 31, 2023 (6:07).
- ↑ Video, October 31, 2023 (8:05).
- ↑
- ↑ Livestream, September 27, 2024 (2:09:45).
- ↑
- ↑ Livestream, January 18, 2018 (33:09).
- ↑ Livestream, January 18, 2018 (34:08).
- ↑ 98.0 98.1 Livestream, January 18, 2018 (33:07).