Crafting materials

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Crafting materials (also known as Processed goods) are obtained in the following ways:

The rarity of crafting materials influences the quality of the crafted items.[5][6][7][8]

Q: Are crafting materials going cross tiers? For example, using higher level materials in lower level recipes, or low level materials in a higher level recipe? Is that allowed?
A: Yes.[5]Steven Sharif

It's unlikely that crafting materials to craft all pieces of equipment will be able to be sourced solely by farming open-world dungeons.[9]

It's unlikely that organized parties will be able to get all of the materials they need to craft every piece of equipment from farming open world dungeons alone.[9]Cody Peterson

Players drop materials and other items upon death, based on their applicable death penalties.[10][11][12][13]

Types of crafting materials

High-level materials

Materials for crafting high-level items are obtained from world bosses and through the deconstruction of other high-level items.[3]

Many end level items with crafting will require mats from world bosses etc. we want those systems intertwined. However. There may be opportunities to deconstruct high level items and replace those needed materials as well. We will be testing the crafting trees in alpha and beta.[3]Steven Sharif

Artisan supply chain

AshesOfCreation Screenshot 009.jpg

Artisans within Ashes of Creation must choose a path in their artisan skill tree. This inter-dependency establishes a supply chain from raw materials to finished product.[14][2] Each stage of the chain may require caravans to transport goods from one artisan to another.[15]

  1. Obtaining raw materials:[16]
  2. Refining the raw materials with a processing profession.[2]
  3. Crafting the finished product using its crafting recipe.[2]
As a crafter you're going to want to know where certain recipes can be fulfilled; which nodes have the capability of creating what you've processed material that you've gathered for; and then you're going to want to plan out your route to either transit the goods there or make sure that you're situated in the area so that you can go out collect and build in that area as well. So there's a lot of planning that's going to be necessary.[22]Steven Sharif


Processing is one of the artisan classes in Ashes of Creation.[1]

  • The bulk of the time spent in the artisan system resides in the processing branch. The processing time varies based on the quality of the crafting materials.[25]
The intent is that there are also public spaces where animal husbandry and farming can be utilized... Those systems provide opportunities for players who might be more solo-oriented, aren't a part of a family, don't think they'll be able to acquire a freehold, but still want to participate with those particular particular types of professions. But they may not do it at a mastery level as a result; but they'll still have access to lower-tier versions of that so that they can progress through that particular profession up to a degree.[32]Steven Sharif

Processing professions


See also
