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Chest armor

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Chest armor (Breastplates) are a type of Armor in Ashes of Creation.[1]

List of chest armor

info-orange.pngThis section contains potentially outdated information from Alpha-1 testing.
Item Icon Source Rarity Level requirement Set
2nd Sword Division's Garb Icon.2nd Sword Division's Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 2nd Sword Division
Academus Monitor's Breastplate Icon.Academus Monitor's Breastplate .png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Adventurer's Garb Icon.Adventurer's Garb.png CommonLegendary Adventurer's
Aelan Chainmail Garb Icon.Aelan Chainmail Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10 Aelan Chainmail
Ambitious Academic's Garb Icon.Ambitious Academic's Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary Ambitious Academic
Arcane Mind's Garb Icon.Arcane Mind's Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10 Arcane Mind
Ashen Haunt's Garb Icon.Ashen Haunt's Garb.png Crafted items,Drop RareLegendary 10
Black Feathered Tunic Icon.Black Feathered Tunic.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Cloth Robes of Dark Fortune EpicClothChestIcon.png Crafted items 15 Dark Fortunes
Commander's Breastplate Icon.Commander's Breastplate.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 10
Corrupted Plate Breastplate CorruptedPlateBreastplateIcon.png Drop 20
Cuirass of Enchantment Icon.Cuirass of Enchantment.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Eternal Leather Garb Icon.Eternal Leather Garb.png Crafted items,Drop RareLegendary 20
Faded Breastplate dcb18dd8-0ab8-45d6-ae4a-9f07a7d33bd3-0.png 2 Faded
Forsaken Commander's Plate Icon.Forsaken Commander's Plate.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Gravy Stained Apron Icon.Gravy Stained Apron.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Howling Wolf Garb Icon.Howling Wolf Garb.png Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10 Howling Wolf
Implacable Chest Icon.Implacable Chest.png CommonLegendary
Polished Tin Breastplate Icon.Polished Tin Breastplate.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10
Pyre Scorched Chestplate Icon.Pyre Scorched Chestplate.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Red Frayed Robe Icon.Red Frayed Robe.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
River Stalker's Garb Icon.River Stalker's Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary River Stalker
Robe of the Financier Icon.Robe of the Financier.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20
Robes of the Annalist Icon.Robes of the Annalist.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 10
Rosarium Guard Breastplate Icon.Rosarium Guard Breastplate.png Crafted items,Drop UncommonLegendary 20 Rosarium Guard
Rosethorn Tunic Icon.Rosethorn Tunic.png Drop,Crafted items UncommonLegendary 20 Rosethorn
Sanctus Skulker's Garb Icon.Sanctus Skulker's Garb.png Vendor,Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10
Sons of Fortune Garb Icon.Sons of Fortune Garb.png Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10 Sons of Fortune
Soulseeker's Chest Soul Seeker
Soulseeker's Garb Icon.Soulseeker's Garb.png Crafted items,Drop CommonLegendary 10
Titanbark Chestplate TitanbarkChestplateIcon.png Titanbark
Torn Cloth Robes 060a307f-4f7f-45cb-81c2-00cb998b863d-0.png 2 Torn
Worn Breastplate ef7076bf-9647-4d64-81a9-063f827aacca-0.png 1 Worn

Chest armor cosmetics

- None -


See also


  1. Polymorphic Breastplate.png