Auction house

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Alpha-1 Auctioneer NPC.[1]

If a Node is the Vassal Node of an Economic Node, an Auctioneer NPC appears in that Vassal Node. The Auctioneer allows players to list non-resource/processed materials in the Parent Node’s Auction House, but players cannot bid on items from this Auctioneer. These resources and processed materials must be stored within an Economic Node in order to be listed in that Node’s Auction House. In order to bid, they must still travel to the Auction House in the Parent Node.[2]

Auction houses are node buildings in Economic nodes.[3][4]

  • Auction houses enable players to list items for auction at specific nodes.[5][6]
Auction houses allow items and resources to be listed for sale at a specific node location.[5]Steven Sharif
  • A listing fee will be charged to list items in the auction house.[4]
  • Vassal nodes of the auction house node will be able to view items that are listed on that auction house, regardless of node type of the vassal node.[4]
    • This will be possible through an auctioneer emissary NPC in that node.[4]
    • Items cannot be listed in non-economic vassal nodes.[4]
info-orange.pngSome of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
That's probably how it's going to be surfaced... Your your mayor is going to have to build it for you.[10]Jeffrey Bard

Auction house locations

Auction houses accompany unique node buildings in Economic nodes.[2]

Player businesses

Player stalls, personal shops, and auction houses enable buying from and selling to other players.[13]

Player stalls Personal shops Auction houses
  • Listing fee.[4]
Player presence
  • An attendant NPC is assigned to the stall. Character does not need to be online or at the stall.[20][15][16]
  • Player must be online and present at the shop.[20][16]
  • Players may be killed while occupying their personal shop and are subject to material loss due to normal death penalties.[21]

Personal shops

Certificates to place Personal shops (player-owned shops) may be purchased by citizens and non-citizens from Markets in Economic nodes or Marketplaces in non-economic nodes.[3][8][17][18]

A player shop is where you have a certificate to essentially create a shop with your character and a little billboard will pop up above you as you sit down for that shop and advertise a custom message that you want say that has to sell things and/or services that are on your person. So players can then come up to you and they can interact with you. So you reside yourself to that shop.[20]Steven Sharif
  • When a character creates a personal shop, a billboard pops up above them with a custom advertisement message for items or services available on that character's person. Purchasers can interact directly with the character to purchase these items or services (as if they were a Vendor NPC).[3][20]
Once you have a certificate, you can then place your player shop within the vicinity of a node's market- any nodes market. So, basically what that means is you will take that certificate and your character will sit down in place and they will spawn a UI billboard above them where you get to make a brief advertisement of what your shop is, and any player can come up to you and they can interact with your character and see your shop that you have listed goods for and make purchases as if you were a vendor from your shop. So, that's the difference between player stalls and the player shop system.[3]Steven Sharif
The benefit that economic node's markets have over non-economic node markets is that their player shop certificates, when sold from a metropolis economic note, I believe, can be placed anywhere in the world independent of market proximity. So, you could be at a dungeon and set up your player shop there and it's like, "Hey you want to buy some health pots? Grab your health pots." And you could set up there.[3]Steven Sharif

Player stalls

Player stalls are scheduled for release in Alpha-2 phase-2.[26][27]

One of the key components of a functional economy is the ability to trade and not having that predicated just on chat. So, player stalls we prioritized to make it in by the 20th. These will be in a functional state to begin with. There will be an NPC within the market area that you will be able to list your goods at and other players will be able to interact with that NPC take a look at the different player shops that are listed and make purchases at those locations. So, this is something I think is very necessary. It's not quite an auction house and the reason it's not an auction house is because you basically have a little bit of a storefront: You go through this list of other players' stores and you can click into that store and you can see a number of different items that they have and you can make transactional purchases on a buy order basis for what they've listed.[26]Steven Sharif

Player stalls (also called Kiosks and rental stalls) are rentable locations near the unique building in an Economic node[4], in Marketplaces (the constructible building available for placement by mayors of any Town (stage 4) node or higher), or as business buildings on freehold plots.[3][28][19]

All nodes do have the ability to spawn player stalls. If you're not an economic node and you don't have a market- that's essentially your unique building- then you can construct essentially what is I guess would be called a... marketplace; and that marketplace will then come with certain services and it will come with a certain number of stalls. The economic node as I recall has the ability to construct an auction house and the auction house serves through the economic means the ability to list and sell items and that comes with additional stalls as well for the players.[19]Steven Sharif
  • Players list items for sale at a NPC within the node's market area. Other players can interact with this NPC browse and purchase from player stalls in that node.[26][21][15] Player stalls do not require the attendance of the character or for that character to be online.[16]
  • Player stalls are rentable by node citizens.[16]
    • The number of player stalls available are dependent on service building upgrades chosen within the node.[3]
    • Player stalls may be utilized for a period of time based on the price paid to rent the stall.[15]
info-orange.pngSome of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
  • Player stall NPCs may be an "image" of the seller.[22]
  • Renting a player stall enables players to provide repair and enchanting services, even when they are not online.[15]
    • Players are able to input required items for repair and also purchase required materials for that repair.[30]
  • Players are not able to be attacked or robbed while occupying their player stall inside the limits of a node.[17]
  • Bulletin boards that list the items available in player stalls can be accessed from anywhere in the region.[22]
    • These give the location of the stall so players can travel there and purchase the items.[22]

Escrow system

info-orange.pngSome of the following information has not been recently confirmed by the developers and may not be on the current development roadmap.
We're going to have a UI... you're gonna put the resources in or they're gonna put the resources in. It'll be like an escrow system and then once [the job] is complete you'll get the item they'll get the money.[31]


See also
