APOC:Engineer is a class in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges and Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[1]
We have the Engineer who is more focused on either bringing things down or keeping things up. So they're focused on inanimate objects like siege weapons, walls gates. Making sure that stuff either stays healthy or gets blown up.[1] – Jeffrey Bard
The engineer is very specifically a pre-fall class. You're probably not going to see an Engineer proper in Ashes of Creation the MMO. Remember that this is a lot of progress that these civilizations have made during this period of time and then after the fall happens and everybody goes off to Sanctus, magic disappears. So they have to kind of re-figure out how to do a lot of these things.[1] – Jeffrey Bard
The Engineer focuses on armor and mana and being able to augment those for players.[1] – Steven Sharif
We have the Engineer who is more focused on either bringing things down or keeping things up. So they're focused on inanimate objects like siege weapons, walls gates. Making sure that stuff either stays healthy or gets blown up.[1] – Jeffrey Bard
One of their primary weapons is the crossbow; and they have an earthquake bolt. So they can fire out a little contraption that unfolds and starts pounding the ground and every time it pounds it'll knock all the enemies up that are around it. Again kind of keeping people out of position. Kind of affecting the battlefield and supporting their allies in a way that doesn't necessarily deal direct damage; and then they also have the gizmo of ingress, which is a little pod that they can place down and anybody who is an ally who steps on that pod gets a Catfall use - one-time use, so they can kind of help their friends kind of get over the walls, get into places the otherwise shouldn't be.[2] – Jeffrey Bard