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2024-09-30 Video - Ashes of Creation Guide To Alpha-2
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Ashes of Creation Guide to Alpha-2. Read the transcript.
Greetings glorious Ashes of Creation community! We are excited to provide you all with a guide to Alpha Two. In this article, you will learn about the testing schedule, the available content for testing, and much more! This test will not have an NDA, meaning players are allowed to stream and share their gameplay. We strongly encourage you all to provide as much feedback as possible, so our team can continue to iterate on vital components of the game.
Referenced by
- File:1HSwordAlpha.png
- File:2HSword.png
- File:2HSwordAlpha.png
- File:A2-keybindings-2024 09 26 24 .jpg
- Absorption Field
- Abundant Soothing Glow
- Accelerative Blink
- Accessibility settings
- Acolyte
- Action bar
- Activation CCs
- Active blocking
- Active dodging
- Active skills
- Aegis
- Aftershock
- Air Strike
- Alpha-2
- Alpha-2 biomes
- Alpha-2 goals
- Alpha-2 map
- Alpha-2 phase-1
- Alpha-2 phase-2
- Alpha-2 phase-3
- Alpha-2 starting areas
- File:Alpha 2 map.jpg
- File:Alpha Two Weapon Skill Trees.jpg
- Amplified Lightning Strike
- Archive:Ancestral Bolas
- Animation canceling
- Animations
- Anthem of Alacrity
- Anthem of Alacrity (AoE)
- Anthem of Alacrity effect
- Anthem of Minor Alacrity
- File:Anthemn of Alacrity(AOE).png
- File:Anthemn of Alacrity.png
- AoE skills
- Apostle
- Arcane Circle
- Archive:Arcane Empowerment
- Arcane Eye
- Arcane Might
- Arcane Volley
- Arcane magic
- File:Archetype Bard.jpg
- File:Archetype Cleric.jpg
- File:Archetype Fighter.jpg
- File:Archetype Mage.jpg
- File:Archetype Ranger.jpg
- File:Archetype Tank.jpg
- Archetypes
- Archwizard
- Argent
- Art of War
- Ball Lightning
- Bard
- Bard skills
- Barrage
- Barrier
- Basic attacks
- Battle Cry
- Battle Mage
- Beam skills
- Bear Trap
- Beserk
- Binding Chains
- Bladecaller
- Bladedancer
- Bleed damage
- Bleeding
- Bless Weapon
- Bless Weapon: Mana Regen
- Bless Weapon effect
- Blink
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Blood Fusion
- Bombardment
- File:Book.png
- File:BookAlpha.png
- Bountiful Blessed Weapon
- Bows
- Bowsinger
- Brutal Cleave
- Brutality
- Buffs
- Burning
- CC
- File:CLIP2024-09-30-Video-0:00.mp4
- Call of the Wild
- Camouflage
- Cataclysm
- Cathartic Melody
- Chain Lightning
- Chains of Restraint
- Channeled skills
- Chaos
- Chaos effect
- Charge
- Charge: Knockback
- Cheerful Melody
- Cheerful Melody effect
- Chilled
- Chilling Lament
- Chilling Lament (AoE)
- Church of the Seven Stars
- Class kits
- Cleric
- Cleric classes
- Cleric skills
- Clever Retort
- File:Clever Retort.png
- Climactic Whirlwind
- Collision
- Combat
- Combat Momentum
- Combat forms
- Combat revamp
- Combust
- Communal Restoration
- Communal Restoration effect
- Concentrated Scatter Shot
- Condemn
- Cone of Cold
- Conflagrated
- Conflict
- Conflict effect
- Consecrating Wave
- Constitution
- Consuming Lethal Blow
- Control settings
- Courage
- Courageous
- File:CourageousNewIcon.png
- Crippling Blow
- Crowd control
- Crowd control breaks
- Damage
- Damage over time
- Dance Mastery: Energy
- Dance Mastery: Power
- File:Dance Mastery Energy.png
- File:Dance Mastery Power.png
- Dances
- Dark Lullaby
- File:Dark Lullaby(AOE).png
- Dark Lullaby (AoE)
- Archive:Dash (Ranger)
- Dazed
- Debuffs
- Defensive abilities
- Defiant Light
- Deliverance
- Demoralized
- Desolate
- File:DesolateNewIcon.png
- Destiny
- File:Destiny.png
- Destiny effect
- Dexterity
- Diminishing returns
- Disarmed
- Discordance
- Disengage
- Divine Flare
- Divine Infusion
- Divine Power
- Divine Protection
- Divine Protection effect
- Divine Retribution
- Divine gateways
- Dreadnought
- Archive:Earthen
- Elemental Empowerment
- Elemental magic
- Elemental skills
- Elemental status effects
- Elements
- File:EnchantWeaponNewIcon.png
- Enchant Weapon
- Ensnaring Vine Field
- Epic Melody
- Epic Melody effect
- Escalating Mend
- File:EssenceInfusionNewIcon.png
- Essence Infusion
- Expeditious Barrage
- Explosive Thundering Shot
- Extended Protect
- Falconer
- Fierce Wit
- File:Fierce Wit.png
- Fighter
- Fighter classes
- Fighter skills
- Fire damage
- Fireball
- Firebolt
- Archive:Fissure
- Flash Cure
- Flourish
- Forceful Tremors
- Form Of Celerity
- Form Of Ferocity
- Form Of Fluidity
- Fortify
- File:FortifyNewIcon.png
- Frostbolt
- Frozen
- Fuse
- Fusion
- Gambit
- Gear
- Gear proficiency
- Gear progression
- Get Off The Stage
- Glee
- Grapple
- Gravepeak
- Archive:Greater Brutality
- Grit
- Grit effect
- File:GroundPoundNewIcon.png
- Ground Pound
- Guardian
- Halcyon
- Hard CCs
- Hawkeye
- Headshot
- Healing
- Healing Touch
- Healing over time
- Health
- Heartseeking Snipe
- Hemorrhaging
- High Priest
- Highsword
- Hoarfrost
- Hotkeys
- Humiliated
- Hunt of the Bear
- Hunt of the Raven
- Hunt of the Tiger
- Hunt skills
- Hunter
- Hybrid combat
- Hymn of the Mind
- File:Hymn of the Mind.png
- Hymn of the Mind (AoE)
- Ice damage
- Illuminate
- File:IlluminateNewIcon.png
- Imbue Ammo: Barbed
- Imbue Ammo: Concussive
- Imbue Ammo: Weighted
- Imbue ammo skills
- Incapacitated
- Inciting Strikes
- Indirect fire skills
- Indomitable Spirit
- Indomitable Spirit effect
- Instant cast skills
- Instrument Drum
- File:Instrument Drum.png
- Instrument Fiddle
- File:Instrument Fiddle.png
- Instrument Flute
- File:Instrument Flute.png
- Intelligence
- Intercept
- File:InterceptNewIcon.png
- File:IntimidatingAuraNewIcon.png
- Intimidating Aura
- File:IronAuraNewIcon.png
- Iron Aura
- Joeva
- Joy
- File:Joy.png
- Joy buff
- Judgment
- Keeper
- Knight
- Knock Out
- Leap Strike
- Lethal Blow
- Lightning Reload
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning damage
- File:Longbow.png
- File:LongbowAlpha.png
- Lovely Serenade
- Lovely Serenade (AoE)
- Lunging Assault
- File:Mace.png
- File:MaceAlpha.png
- Maddening Dance
- File:Maddening Dance.png
- Mage
- Mage classes
- Mage skills
- Magician
- Magma Field
- Maim
- Mana
- Mana restoration skills
- Marionette
- File:Marionette.png
- Marionette effect
- Mark of the Bear
- Mark of the Raven
- Mark of the Tiger
- Marked
- Meditative Form of Fluidity
- Melodies
- Menacing Melody
- Mend
- Mentality
- Mesmerizing Dance
- Archive:Meteor
- Minstrel
- Misdirection
- File:Misdirection.png
- Mobility
- File:Monologue.png
- Mortal Headshot
- Movement CCs
- Multi-Scatter Shot
- Multitrap
- Music
- Music Mastery: Counterpoint
- Music Mastery: Crescendo
- File:Music Mastery Counterpoint.png
- File:Music Mastery Crescendo.png
- Musical abilities
- New Aela
- Nightshield
- Nimble
- Nimble Dance
- Omnidirectional Disengage
- File:OppressiveReflectNewIcon.png
- Oppressive Reflect
- Oracle
- Overdrive
- Overpower
- File:POI Screenshot.jpg
- Paladin
- File:PartyStrideNewIcon.png
- Party Stride
- Passive skills
- Pensive Melody
- Pensive Melody effect
- Pep
- Persistent alpha
- Physical damage
- Archive:Piercing Shot
- Player death
- Player movement
- Plentiful Mend
- Points of interest
- Preservative Blood Fusion
- Primary skills
- File:PrismaticBeamNewIcon.png
- Prismatic Beam
- Proficiencies
- Protect
- Protector
- Pulverize
- File:PulverizeNewIcon.png
- Purify
- Pyromania
- Archive:Quake
- Quick Wit
- File:Quick Wit(Ally).png
- Races
- Radiant abilities
- Radiant damage
- Raging Blitz
- File:Raging Blitz Skill Tree IconAlpha.png
- Raining Death
- Ranged skills
- Ranged weapons
- Ranger
- Ranger classes
- Ranger skills
- Recharging Lunging Assault
- File:RedemptiveDeliveranceNewIcon.png
- Redemptive Deliverance
- Reflect
- Refreshing Headshot
- Refreshing Reflect
- Regeneration
- File:RegenerationNewIcon.png
- Regenerative Form of Celerity
- File:ReinvigoratingLethalBlowNewIcon.png
- Reinvigorating Disengage
- Reinvigorating Lethal Blow
- Release schedule
- Archive:Relentless Form of the Avalanche
- Relentless Vengeance
- Remnants of Sephillion
- Resonant Weapon
- File:Resonant Weapon.png
- Resplendent Beam
- Restorative Consecrating Wave
- Resurrect
- File:ResurrectionNewIcon.png
- Resurrection methods
- Righteous Blessed Weapon
- Riled
- Riverlands
- Roleplaying
- Rooted
- File:Running Group Shot.jpg
- Rupture
- Rush of Courage
- Saga
- File:Saga Upgrade.png
- Sagas: Vol. II
- Sandsquall Desert
- Savagery
- File:SavageryNewIcon.png
- Scatter Shot
- Scion
- Scout
- Scryer
- Sentinel
- Shadow Caster
- Shadow Disciple
- Shadowblade
- Shake It Off
- Shake it Off: Unyielding
- Shaken
- Shaman
- Shatter
- File:ShatterNewIcon.png
- Shattered
- Shattering Shards
- Shell
- Shell effect
- File:ShieldSlamNewIcon.png
- Shield Assault
- Shield Slam
- Shield abilities
- Shield effect
- Shielding Dance
- Shields
- Shocked
- File:Shortbow2.png
- File:ShortbowAlpha.png
- Silenced
- Siren
- Sitting
- Skill points
- Skill trees
- Skill types
- Skill upgrades
- Skills
- Slam
- Slam: Knockback
- Slicing Maim
- Slumber
- Smite
- Snare abilities
- Snared
- Snipe
- Solace
- File:Song Mastery.png
- Song Mastery: Dissonance
- Song Mastery: Harmony
- Song Warden
- Song skills
- Songcaller
- Soothing Glow
- Sorcerer
- Soul Weaver
- Soulbow
- Spellhunter
- Spellshield
- Spellstone
- Spellsword
- Spirit damage
- Sprinting
- Staggered
- Archive:Stalk
- Starting areas
- Stories
- Strength
- Strider
- File:StriderNewIcon.png
- Strider (skill)
- Stunned
- Supernatural Grit
- Tank
- Tank classes
- Tank skills
- Targeted skills
- Taunt
- File:TauntNewIcon.png