Glorious Wiki readers. We appreciate your patience as we process the info from the September Livestream and the Guide To Alpha-2. |
2024-09-27 Livestream
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Livestream, September 27, 2024. Read the transcript.
Referenced by
- File:1HSwordAlpha.png
- Talk:2024-09-27 Livestream
- 2024-09-30 Video - Ashes of Creation Guide To Alpha-2
- File:2HSword.png
- File:2HSwordAlpha.png
- 2nd Sword Division's Boots
- 2nd Sword Division's Garb
- 2nd Sword Division's Pants
- File:A2-keybindings-2024 09 26 24 .jpg
- A Gryphon Survey
- Absorption Field
- Abundant Soothing Glow
- Accelerative Blink
- Accessibility settings
- Account management
- Acolyte
- Action bar
- Activation CCs
- Active blocking
- Active dodging
- Active skills
- Aegis
- Aela
- Aelan Empire
- Aftershock
- Air Strike
- Alpha-1 starting area
- Alpha-2
- Alpha-2 biomes
- Alpha-2 goals
- Alpha-2 map
- Alpha-2 nodes
- Alpha-2 phase-1
- Alpha-2 phase-2
- Alpha-2 phase-3
- Alpha-2 starting areas
- File:Alpha 2 map.jpg
- File:Alpha Two Weapon Skill Trees.jpg
- Alpha island
- File:AmbitiousAcademicBootsIcon.png
- File:AmbitiousAcademicGarbIcon.png
- File:AmbitiousAcademicPantsIcon.png
- Ambitious Academic
- Ambitious Academic's Boots
- Ambitious Academic's Garb
- Ambitious Academic's Pants
- Amplified Lightning Strike
- An Unsightly Feast
- Archive:Ancestral Bolas
- Ancient artifacts
- Animation canceling
- Animations
- Anthem of Alacrity
- Anthem of Alacrity (AoE)
- Anthem of Alacrity effect
- Anthem of Minor Alacrity
- File:Anthemn of Alacrity(AOE).png
- File:Anthemn of Alacrity.png
- AoE skills
- Apostle
- Arcane Circle
- Archive:Arcane Empowerment
- Arcane Eye
- Arcane Might
- Arcane Volley
- Arcane magic
- File:Archetype Bard.jpg
- File:Archetype Cleric.jpg
- File:Archetype Fighter.jpg
- File:Archetype Mage.jpg
- File:Archetype Ranger.jpg
- File:Archetype Tank.jpg
- Archetypes
- Archwizard
- Argent
- Art of War
- Artisan classes
- Ashes of Creation
- Axes for Allies
- Ball Lightning
- Bard
- Bard skills
- Barrage
- Barrier
- Basic attacks
- Battle Cry
- Battle Mage
- Beam skills
- Bear Trap
- Beserk
- Best-in-slot items
- Bill Trost
- Binding Chains
- Bladecaller
- Bladedancer
- Bleed damage
- Bleeding
- Bless Weapon
- Bless Weapon: Mana Regen
- Bless Weapon effect
- Blink
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Blood Fusion
- Blood and Stone
- Bombardment
- File:Book.png
- File:BookAlpha.png
- Bosses
- Bountiful Blessed Weapon
- Bows
- Bowsinger
- Boxed In
- Brutal Cleave
- Brutality
- Buffs
- Bunches and Bouquets
- Burning
- CC
- File:CLIP2024-09-27-Video-14:49.mp4
- File:CLIP2024-09-30-Video-0:00.mp4
- Call of the Wild
- Camouflage
- Captain Eudoxia Avenmoor
- Caravan masters
- Caravan skins
- Caravans
- Caravansary
- Caseless Cackles
- Cataclysm
- Cathartic Melody
- Chain Lightning
- Chains of Restraint
- Channeled skills
- Chaos
- Chaos effect
- Character
- Character sheet
- Charge
- Charge: Knockback
- Cheerful Melody
- Cheerful Melody effect
- Chilled
- Chilling Lament
- Chilling Lament (AoE)
- Church of the Seven Stars
- Cinematic events
- Cities
- Class kits
- Cleric
- Cleric classes
- Cleric skills
- Clever Retort
- File:Clever Retort.png
- Climactic Whirlwind
- Collision
- Combat
- Combat Momentum
- Combat forms
- Combat revamp
- Combust
- Commissions
- Communal Restoration
- Communal Restoration effect
- Concentrated Scatter Shot
- Condemn
- Cone of Cold
- Conflagrated
- Conflict
- Conflict effect
- Consecrating Wave
- Constitution
- Consuming Lethal Blow
- Control settings
- File:CopperBookIcon.png
- File:CopperFocusIcon.png
- File:CopperGreatswordIcon.png
- File:CopperScepterIcon.png
- File:CopperShieldIcon.png
- File:CopperShortbowIcon.png
- File:CopperSwordIcon.png
- File:CopperWandIcon.png
- Copper Book
- Copper Focus
- Copper Greatsword
- Copper Scepter
- Copper Shield
- Copper Shortbow
- Copper Sword
- Copper Wand
- Courage
- Courageous
- File:CourageousNewIcon.png
- Crate of Node Resources
- Crippling Blow
- Crowd control
- Crowd control breaks
- Cuffs of the Seeker
- Damage
- Damage over time
- Dance Mastery: Energy
- Dance Mastery: Power
- File:Dance Mastery Energy.png
- File:Dance Mastery Power.png
- Dances
- Dark Lullaby
- File:Dark Lullaby(AOE).png
- Dark Lullaby (AoE)
- Archive:Dash (Ranger)
- Dazed
- Debuffs
- Defensive abilities
- Defiant Light
- Deliverance
- Demoralized
- Desolate
- File:DesolateNewIcon.png
- Destiny
- File:Destiny.png
- Destiny effect
- Dexterity
- Diminishing returns
- Disarmed
- Discordance
- Disengage
- Divine Flare
- Divine Infusion
- Divine Power
- Divine Protection
- Divine Protection effect
- Divine Retribution
- Divine gateways
- Dreadnought
- Dungeon bosses
- Dungeons
- Archive:Earthen
- Economy
- Elemental Empowerment
- Elemental magic
- Elemental skills
- Elemental status effects
- Elements
- File:EnchantWeaponNewIcon.png
- Enchant Weapon
- End game
- Ensnaring Vine Field
- Epic Melody
- Epic Melody effect
- Epic items
- Equipment vendors
- Escalating Mend
- File:EssenceInfusionNewIcon.png
- Essence Infusion
- Establishing a Settlement
- Estimated travel times
- Expeditious Barrage
- Experience
- Explosive Thundering Shot
- Extended Protect
- Falconer
- Fast travel
- Fierce Wit
- File:Fierce Wit.png
- Fighter
- Fighter classes
- Fighter skills
- Fire damage
- Fireball
- Firebolt
- Archive:Fissure
- Flash Cure
- Flourish
- Forceful Tremors
- Form Of Celerity
- Form Of Ferocity
- Form Of Fluidity
- Fortify
- File:FortifyNewIcon.png
- Frostbolt
- Frozen
- Fuse
- Fusion
- Gambit
- Gatewatcher Pritcher
- Gateway Medallion
- Gateway items
- Gear
- Gear proficiency
- Gear progression
- Gerald Belford
- Get Off The Stage
- Glee
- Glint
- Goblin Digger
- Grapple
- Gravepeak
- Archive:Greater Brutality
- Greyshore Transporter
- Grit
- Grit effect
- File:GroundPoundNewIcon.png
- Ground Pound
- Group dynamics
- Guardian
- Halcyon
- Hard CCs
- Hawkeye
- Headshot
- Healing
- Healing Touch
- Healing over time
- Health
- Heartseeking Snipe
- Heartwood trees
- Heavy Lode
- Hemorrhaging
- Herald Harold
- High Priest
- Highsword
- Hoarfrost
- Hotkeys
- Humiliated
- Hunt of the Bear
- Hunt of the Raven
- Hunt of the Tiger
- Hunt skills
- Hunter
- Hunting grounds
- Hybrid combat
- Hymn of the Mind
- File:Hymn of the Mind.png
- Hymn of the Mind (AoE)
- Ice damage
- Illuminate
- File:IlluminateNewIcon.png
- Imbue Ammo: Barbed
- Imbue Ammo: Concussive
- Imbue Ammo: Weighted
- Imbue ammo skills
- In Warhelm's Shadow
- In game chat
- In the Arms of the Arborists
- Incapacitated
- Inciting Strikes
- Indirect fire skills
- Indomitable Spirit
- Indomitable Spirit effect
- Instant cast skills
- Instrument Drum
- File:Instrument Drum.png
- Instrument Fiddle
- File:Instrument Fiddle.png
- Instrument Flute
- File:Instrument Flute.png
- Intelligence
- Intercept
- File:InterceptNewIcon.png
- File:IntimidatingAuraNewIcon.png
- Intimidating Aura
- Inventory
- File:IronAuraNewIcon.png
- Iron Aura
- Item rarities
- Jaren Umber
- Joeva
- Joy
- File:Joy.png
- Joy buff
- Judgment
- Jumping puzzles
- Keeper
- Knight
- Knock Out
- Languages
- Lawless zones
- Leap Strike
- Legendary items
- Leo Linwood
- Lethal Blow
- Level cap
- Level scaling
- Leveling
- Lightning Reload
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning damage
- Lionhold
- Localization
- File:Longbow.png
- File:LongbowAlpha.png
- Loot
- Loot tagging
- Looting
- Lore
- Lovely Serenade
- Lovely Serenade (AoE)
- Lumbermill Lost
- Lunging Assault
- File:Mace.png
- File:MaceAlpha.png
- Maddening Dance
- File:Maddening Dance.png
- Mage
- Mage classes
- Mage skills
- Magician
- Magma Field
- Maim
- Make Ted Dead
- Mana
- Mana restoration skills
- Marionette
- File:Marionette.png
- Marionette effect
- Mark of the Bear
- Mark of the Raven
- Mark of the Tiger
- Marked
- Meditative Form of Fluidity
- Melodies
- Menacing Melody
- Mend
- Mentality
- Mesmerizing Dance
- Archive:Meteor
- Metropolis
- Minstrel
- Misdirection
- File:Misdirection.png
- Mobility
- Mobs
- File:Monologue.png
- Mortal Headshot
- Movement CCs
- Multi-Scatter Shot
- Multitrap
- Music
- Music Mastery: Counterpoint
- Music Mastery: Crescendo
- File:Music Mastery Counterpoint.png
- File:Music Mastery Crescendo.png
- Musical abilities
- NPCs
- Narrative
- Narrative events
- New Aela
- Nightshield
- Nimble
- Nimble Dance
- Node-to-node reputation
- Node advancement
- Node experience
- Node leadership powers
- Node mandates
- Node policies
- Node progression
- Node war declarations
- Node wars
- Nodes
- Novice Health Salve
- Official Tallahad
- Omnidirectional Disengage
- On the line
- Open-world PvP
- Open development
- File:OppressiveReflectNewIcon.png
- Oppressive Reflect
- Oracle
- Overdrive
- Overpower
- File:POI Screenshot.jpg
- Paladin
- Parlor games
- File:PartyStrideNewIcon.png
- Party Stride
- Passive skills
- Peddler of petals
- Pensive Melody
- Pensive Melody effect
- Pep
- Performance
- Persistent alpha
- Physical damage
- Archive:Piercing Shot
- Player businesses
- Player death
- Player driven narrative
- Player movement
- Player to player trading
- Plentiful Mend
- Points of interest
- Preservative Blood Fusion
- Primary skills
- File:PrismaticBeamNewIcon.png
- Prismatic Beam
- Proficiencies
- Progression
- Protect
- Protector
- Pulverize