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2020-07-08 Steven Sharif Interview - Paradox Gaming Network
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Ashes of Creation Steven Sharif Interview, 8 July 2020. Read the transcript
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- Achievements
- Addons
- Adjacent nodes
- Alpha-1 castle sieges
- Ancient artifacts
- AoE skills
- Apartment benefits
- Apartment buildings
- Apartments
- Architecture
- Artificial intelligence
- Ashes of Creation
- Auction house
- Banking
- Beds
- Black markets
- Brewer
- Buildings
- Buy orders
- Buying and selling
- COVID-19 Commemorative Statue
- Cabinets
- Carpentry
- Castle siege declarations
- Castle siege defenses
- Castle sieges
- Chairs
- Character
- Character sheet
- Chests
- Cities
- Combat
- Commissions
- Constructible service buildings
- Consumables
- Cooking
- Cooking ingredients
- Corruption
- Corruption Tier
- Death penalties
- Default service buildings
- Desks
- Destructible environments
- Dressers
- Dynamic world populations
- Economy
- Emblems
- Encampment
- Enchanting
- End game
- Escrow system
- Expedition
- Experience
- Factions
- Families
- First-time user experience
- Food and drink
- Freehold benefits
- Freehold building blueprints
- Freehold building permits
- Freehold building placement
- Freehold building tech trees
- Freehold buildings
- Freehold progression
- Freeholds
- Furniture
- Game balance
- Game difficulty
- Game masters
- Group sizes
- Guild war mechanics
- Guild war objectives
- Guild wars
- Homesteads
- Household security
- Housing decorations
- Housing destructibility
- Housing types
- Hunting grounds
- Inventory
- Item repair
- Leadership powers
- Legendary items
- Level cap
- Level scaling
- Leveling
- Mansions
- Marketplaces
- Markets
- Mayoral commissions
- Mayors
- Mentor program
- Merchants
- Metropolis
- Multi-boxing
- NPCs
- Node advancement
- Node atrophy
- Node benefits
- Node building destruction
- Node commodities
- Node destruction
- Node elections
- Node experience
- Node layout and style
- Node leadership
- Node leadership powers
- Node mandates
- Node policies
- Node progression
- Node siege completion
- Node siege declaration
- Node siege defenses
- Node sieges
- Node simulation
- Node stages
- Node treasury
- Node war declarations
- Node wars
- Nodes
- Open-world PvP
- Paintings
- Personal shops
- Player businesses
- Player corruption
- Player death
- Player flagging
- Player housing
- Player housing benefits
- Player stall NPCs
- Player stalls
- Player to player trading
- Playstyles
- Procedural generation
- Progression
- PvP
- Quests
- Racial appearance
- Racial influences
- Real estate
- Relics
- Reliquary
- Requisition agents
- Roleplaying
- Rugs
- Safe zones
- Scholars
- Security systems
- Server prime-time
- Server reservations
- Servers
- Service building upkeep
- Service buildings
- Shelves
- Siege declarations
- Siege defenses
- Siege mechanics
- Siege participation
- Siege weapons
- Sieges
- Skills
- Static housing
- Static housing benefits
- Static housing development
- Storage
- Stoves
- Tables
- Tavern consumables
- Town hall
- Towns
- Trophy park
- Two factor authentication
- User-created content
- Vassal nodes
- Villages
- War declarations
- Warehouses
- Wilderness
- Work orders
- World manager
- Zone of influence
- Zones and progression